First ultrasound

Just popping in quickly to talk about my first ultrasound appointment!

I went in yesterday and met my OB for the first time.  Truthfully, it was actually my first type of visit since I've never been to a gynecologist's office before either. I know, really bad.

I was actually still undressing when she came in, so it was awkward, but she put me at ease and we laughed about it.  It was a very quick and succinct appointment (especially since I had minimal questions--couldn't think of any since I've been reading up a storm on the internet) where she did a pap smear and then an internal ultrasound.

Until that moment, I honestly was wondering if anything was in there; I'm grateful that I haven't been sick at all, but at the same time, I was concerned.  But there it was!  A real baby in there... moving and with a strong heartbeat.  That was a surreal moment, and now I understand what other mothers feel!  No longer a skeptic :)

Excuse the coyote magnet... was trying to get all the good shots in at once!

My due date is still July 3rd, 2015 so I'm right where I thought I was.  Currently, 10 weeks and 4 days.

The next thing I'm looking forward to:  announcing to my in-laws at Christmas in almost 2 weeks!  I just want to get through this week since I have rehearsals tonight and every night until Friday and Saturday, which will be the performances.  That's pretty much soaking up my week.  After that, 1.5 weeks left of teaching, then break.  I was looking forward to relaxing, but most likely, we'll be traveling most of that time since my birthday is right after Christmas and I told my family I wanted to be with them for that.

Some of my Christmas shopping is tackled, but still need to finish for half the people on my list.

Okay, I am SO behind on practicing for this gig so gotta go!  Thanks for putting up with the pregnancy updates :/


Shelley said…
Aww, baby! Love the ultrasound pictures and yes, how it really does make this whole thing feel "real"!

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