Friday Faves

Time to jump on the "Friday Favorites" bandwagon.  That is literally how uncreative I'm being right now.

*33 weeks pregnant today.  Feet starting to hurt a little and belly is definitely running out of room for baby as I'm feeling a little huge now.  Other than that, still functioning and still working for a few more weeks before I go on leave! *

  1. Trader Joe's new Half-Caff coffee is easing my guilt for my caffeine cravings.  As I've gotten further along this pregnancy I've realized that a small portion of something is not really's really when one does anything to the extreme (drinking 8-12 cups a day, for example) that it becomes an issue.  I've been making a french press once or twice a week and drink one cup with cream and a little sugar.  That's all I need!

2.  I just ordered these Sanuk sandals since DSW didn't have the color I wanted in stock.  I tried the ones they did have in store and wow!  SO comfy.  A student of mine walked into her lesson wearing them and I thought they were the cutest thing.  I got just a little too excited that they were Sanuks as I've been wanting to get a pair of their shoes for years now.  They're made out of yoga mats and feel like you're walking on a cloud.  I can't wait until they arrive, especially with these sore, preggo feet :(

3.  MAXI DRESSES!!!  Really--any kind.  Provided the season is right when you're pregnant, I think they're every pregnant woman's savior.  Maternity clothes can be EXPENSIVE (depending on where you shop) and it's even harder shelling out $$ for what you need when you know you'll only be able to use them for a few months.  I regularly scour sales anyway when I shop, so I was lucky to find some deals for jeans, shorts and other basic items to wear during this spring and summer when I knew I'd be bigger.  But as for maxi dresses, I didn't have to buy any specifically for my "condition" because the ones I already had in my closet worked perfectly.  Paired with a cardigan or a jean jacket helps me feel like I'm more put together than I actually am:)

Sorry it's short, but I need to wrap this up.  Just a few more weeks of teaching left before I'm done (forever?? who knows...) and need to start concentrating on a baby party we're having at our house at the end of the month.  After that, just a lot of waiting/nesting/resting until baby M gets here!

Have a great weekend.


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