Friday, May 1st

So it's almost May and the whole month of April FLEW by faster than anything I can recall.  I am done with all student recitals (had the last one ever *sniff* on the 18th) and this past weekend, attended baby shower #1 at my mother's house.  There was so much anticipation for all events in April and now it's over.  I can't believe it.

Playing the fist movement of the Bach Double with six of my students and some musician friends helping us out at the very last spring recital of the year.  I've wanted to do this for years.  My students helped me fulfill my dream!

One of my few piano students (I mostly teach violin) who performed the "Moonlight" Sonata at the spring recital and has now moved on to another teacher.  We had our last lesson this week.  I loved teaching him.

And some pictures from my mom's baby shower this past weekend!

A delicious gluten-free cake (no, I'm not allergic to anything and am not really into the gluten-free thing, but we had several guests who had allergies/dietary restrictions. It turned out to be really yummy)

In the flurry of everything, we forgot to take pictures of me sitting in the "princess" chair the day of the shower, so this is the next day, and of course, my yorkie-poo Phoebe never leaves my side (we'll see how she handles the baby in a few months!)

The shower was great.  I saw ladies I hadn't seen in years and got to catch up with almost all.  My mom did such a great job (and made WAY too much food that I think she and my dad are still eating, haha) and did it all by herself.  I know she was stressed, but she also enjoys it at the same time.  I get it-I'm exactly the same way :)

Sigh.  Apologies for how infrequently I'm blogging.  I admire you bloggers who keep it up daily or at least a few times a week.  Looks like my last post was exactly a month ago.  I'm losing track of time.

I recently switched to a midwife and have my second prenatal appointment with her this morning.  Baby M kicks quite a bit throughout the day (and night) still, but whenever I want to show someone, she immediately stops.  I wonder how/if that will transpire in her real personality when she is out of the womb.  My husband is a bit like that--he'll say something really funny or do something amazing, but won't repeat it if someone is watching.  She might be a little particular like her daddy.

So 31 weeks today. Six more weeks until I'm "full term".  I can't believe our lives will change in that short amount of time.  I'm also eager to see how far I get; seems like most women I know delivered early and had premature babies (I was a preemie).  Don't know if I'll be one of them, or will go all the way to 40 weeks (or past!).

Also starting to get very teary thinking about saying goodbye to all my students.  Already had to say goodbye to one this week; tonight another one is coming--not for a lesson--but to just say farewell.  I've taught him for 7 years.  Those students have been my children this whole time.  I love them to pieces and hope they stay in touch.

Well, gotta go put my face on and head to my appointment!  Lots to do today, and then some friends visiting from out of town.  Haven't seen them since last October when they were here the day I found out I was expecting!


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