3 month update

Well, it's time for another monthly update on Maddie. She turned 3 months on the 1st and each month that passes we are seeing something new. Now she's discovered her feet and is constantly in the 'happy baby' yoga pose!
She is also still the happiest baby ever and smiles through tears even. She'll let milk dribble out the corners of her mouth so she can take a second to return your smile. I love it and her SO much!!!

Despite the tendonitis I developed in my left hand from handling her constantly and getting a little weary of the constant pumping every few hours (I'm super grateful, though, to even still have milk to pump) I am thoroughly enjoying being home with my daughter and getting to see her change before my eyes.


Shelley said…
Maddie is adorable - I love the feets picture! I'm so happy you're enjoying every moment with her...they grow and change so fast!

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