4 month update

Well, I really wish I could be better about blogging more regularly, but truthfully, every minute of each day seems to be going towards domestic and baby duties.  Every day is just me hoping to get through the day, but also trying to enjoy this time and not miss out on how quickly Madeline is growing up.

So, monthly updates will have to do.  Tomorrow, my baby girl is 4 months old!!!  Seriously, each month brings so much giddiness at her mile-stones, as tiny as they might seem.  She can now hold her head very steady and can face outward on the Baby Bjorn (funny how I thought she'd be such a big kid when that day would come), which her dad just LOVES to use on the weekends by taking her to local trails and going for 2-3 mile hikes or walks around the neighborhood.

She continues to smile constantly and laugh all the time.  She's "talking" more also; I'm not quite sure, though, if her babbling would sound different if she didn't have a cleft palate.  It's hard to tell at this point if she will have any speech issues, but I guess worrying is pointless as she's scheduled for surgery next May when she is 10 months old.  I hope she doesn't have any problems thereafter.

She can also hold her head up higher and do a "push-up" when on her belly.  Before, it was a struggle to hold the head up and she'd grunt constantly because it required so much effort.  Now, the movements are smoother and more effortless.  She's got a strong grip and we can pull her not just to a sit, but to a stand.

Her sleep habits aren't quite predictable yet--one week, she'll get up at exactly the same time once a night, and the next she'll be up multiple times.  A few times, she slept straight through the night.  That was nice, although short-lived :)

I don't quite feel as exhausted as I did in the early days, but if it weren't for my pumping schedule, I could get more sleep and be better rested.  We're wavering between whether or not to switch to formula when she is 6 months and starts solids.  I'm still kind of bent on giving her my milk as long as I'm producing it.  I know it's better for her and I just feel like it's worth the sacrifice of experiencing my tendonitis and lack of sleep if her immune system is stronger and overall health is better in the long run.  I hope it is.

She takes 2-3 longer naps during the day, and eats 6-7times a day.  During growth spurts, she'll eat as much as 30 oz of milk, but normally eats lighter, between 23-26 ounces.

Seems like I'm always thinking of tons of topics to write about, but just can't find the time to devote to it! I'd love to go into more detail about life as an exclusive pumper (or just called an EPer as I've learned) as I really haven't met too many others who have gone through it, so finding blogs with tips and stories have made me feel not quite so alone in this journey.

But in the meantime, some pictures!


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