Six months :)

I keep dropping the ball on baby updates.  I know I'm the only one interested (haha) but life is going by so very fast, I NEED to write it all down.

Maddie had her 6 month well baby visit today.  She is doing better, according to her pediatrician, on weight; everything else was always a non concern for him. This month's stats:

Height:  26 inches (50th percentile)
Weight:  14 pounds and 2.5 ounces (13th percentile--and weight to length is 6th percentile)
Head circumference:  16.5 inches

She has always been in the lower percentile for weight to length since birth.  We expected that since I am tiny myself.  But I anticipate she will be much taller than me when she grows older.

She can now roll back and forth from back to tummy, and I have to make sure I always watch her now since she's very fond of rolling pretty fast across any surface I put her on!  Not sitting up quite by herself yet, but she's getting it and can stop herself from toppling over at times.  LOVES to jump and seems to have endless energy in the Jumparoo.  She also loves it if we hold her standing on our laps--she gets a huge smile on her face and starts jumping nonstop.

She got her vaccinations (I can't believe how many they felt they had to give her! IMO, too many for a little baby) yesterday was feeling feverish and cranky the rest of the day and this morning. The upside to that, though, is that she really wanted to snuggle on my chest and sleep there.  The second I put her in her crib or the swing, she'd start crying.  So on my chest she stayed all evening and this morning!  I certainly don't mind (although, the house remains a mess, and I'm still un-showered and in my PJ's)! I want to absorb all the snuggling, hugs and kisses as much as possible before she pushes me away :(

Our Christmas break was nice, albeit a little stressful during the packing and traveling moments, and then again when it was time to try to get Maddie to go to sleep--she just was too excited to nap or go to bed, so her sleep schedule was way off.  That was to be expected, though, so we just went with the flow.  I know years from now, we'll look back on the nice memories we spent with family and with Maddie's great grandma Viola, who just turned 95, and not remember those sleepless nights.  Just remember the good ones :)


Shelley said…
I like your updates! But yes, do them for YOU, because believe me, you'll forget the little things too soon.
Gaby said…
Ha-ha, thanks Shelley!

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