Surgery went well and almost 11 months!

Happy Memorial Day and a huge thank you to all who have served our country.

Lots of updating to do and I'll do it in the form of pictures since time is precious when your almost-eleven month old is taking fewer naps during the day!

Very quickly -- Maddie's surgery went very well and we are so relieved that it is behind us. It was difficult to see her in pain right after surgery and the following days after, but kids are like little Wolverines, I swear! A week later she was nearly back to herself and today you'd never know she had had surgery.
She will be 11 months on Wednesday and we are looking forward to Ryan's family reunion in KY at the end of June, which will be Maddie's first trip!
I'm also currently trying to wean off the pump; had no idea just how difficult emotionally that would be for me. I'm trying to do it gradually so I don't have to bring that darn pump for once when we go on our trip. I'll elaborate on that more later for any other exclusively pumping mamas out there . It's hard! But it can be done.

Have a great holiday!


Shelley said…
Very glad her surgery went well! :)

Love that shot of Maddie in the laundry basket...she's starting that exploring stage, I take it?

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