One year old!!!!

Our precious Madeline turned one year old July 1st last week. We had a birthday brunch the next day with neighbors and family to help celebrate. As usual, I as running around doing everything so didn't get as many photos as I wanted. I quickly tossed my phone to my dad and asked him to take photos but he ended up only taking a few and taking more on his own phone, so hopefully he'll share those with me soon!

I made 7 quiches, blueberry sour cream bundt cake, garlic parmesan roasted potatoes, bloody Marys, iced coffeeand french press coffee, breakfast muffins, sausage balls and fruit salad! Oh! And of course there was cake. That was store bought and it was pretty good.
As fun as it was (and a lot of work) I think next year will find me keeping things even more simple--perhaps just the three of us. This girl is growing up WAY too fast and I'd like to not be distracted from it as much as possible!

Speaking of growing up, Maddie had her year old doctor well visit this past Thursday where she had an excellent health check! She is now 20# 1.5 oz, and 30" tall... exactly HALF my height, lol. She also was amazing during her shots and really didn't cry, much to the surprise of the nurse.

The next morning, we headed to Children's Hospital because I volunteered for Maddie to participate in a speech study for kids who had cleft palates. It was during her nap time so needless to say, she was a little cranky. They were still able to observe her babbling and play a little but as we get further along with several more visits (until she's 4!) Im looking forward to seeing her progress and what kind of discoveries they make based on this study.

Well, it's a beautiful day today and I think we're all going to go for a bike ride once Maddie wakes from her nap. This year really went by so fast and I'm glad we got to celebrate her birthday...but I won't lie: I love unscheduled, free and lazy weekends like this one :)

Until next time!


Shelley said…
What a beautiful, happy girl you have there! Congratulations on making it through a year of motherhood - and happy birthday to sweet Maddie. :)
Gaby said…
Thank you, Shelley! And thanks for reading along for the past year!
Gaby said…
Thank you, Shelley! And thanks for reading along for the past year!

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