Walking at 12 months, 3 weeks.

Well, this is rare--but I actually have a little extra time to write a post because Maddie was apparently so exhausted, she went to bed two hours earlier than usual!

Lately, she's been protesting her second nap of the day so I've just given up and let her follow me around while I do stuff like get dinner ready.  She normally takes her morning nap with no issues right around 10-11am.  The second nap was iffy, somewhere around 4-5, and then she'd usually be up to have dinner with us.  But she's a toddler now!  So she's definitely voicing her opinion more on what she wants (or doesn't want!) and since she sleeps through the night now, I figure a few hours doesn't make too much of a difference.  Only sad thing is that Ryan doesn't get to see her before she goes to bed as he sometimes gets home late (like tonight).

Anyway!  What have we been up to?  Lots and lots of WALKING!  The baby is now walking!!!!!!  It's cuh-raaaaay-zeee!  How is it that just over a year ago I had this tiny, helpless little munchkin in my arms and now she is zipping in and out of every room in the house?!?!  I know--typical first time mom: amazed by my kid, no matter how mundane the action is.  I get it now.  I do :)

Food related, I feel like I've been choosing ridiculously tedious recipes to make for dinner the last two nights.  I swear I was in the kitchen for hours; one was for home made sweet and sour chicken last night--and it was good--but I don't think it was worth all the labor and time I spent, especially with a kid following me around and getting into everything.  Today, it was vegetarian moussaka.  Also not bad, but didn't warrant all the endless slicing and chopping and various steps.  Healthy and tasty for a vegetarian dish...but still a little...meh.

Also, a few months ago I found out I have high cholesterol which shocked me as I'm 5'1" and 103 lbs, but after paying more attention to what I actually ate, I realized it totally made sense.  When I was pregnant I definitely developed a craving for sweets and it spilled over into the post partum period...and beyond!  I started having skin problems and attributed it initially to the fact that I was weaning from the pump and that my hormones were all over the place.  But long after I stopped, I continued having problems.  One day, after downing a large glass of milk, I broke out in painful huge bumps, so I decided to cut out dairy that week.  By the end of the week, my skin looked and felt better than it had in the last 4-5 months.  A light bulb went on and I thought, "Duh!" Stay away from fatty foods and dairy/eggs (or keep to a minimum, at least)!". So stupid.
I also need to get back into exercising.  I'd love to run or do stuff outside but it's SO DARN HOT.  I go for strolls with Maddie and by the end of our walks (and I"m not even power walking) I'm drenched in sweat.  In any event, I'm really trying to get back on the healthy eating wagon and start working out a few times a week.

I love summer...but I can't lie...I'm looking forward to Fall.  The weather, concert season starting again (Oh! and I'm teaching again!  Just two students in my home, though, lol.  But still!) the CLOTHES, colorful mums dotting my front yard, Halloween (and Maddie can actually dress up and walk around this year!), etc. etc.

Anyone else sick of the current politics? Blech!  I know I don't generally discuss politics or religion on here, but full disclosure:  I'm as conservative as they come, but I am so utterly disappointed in the choices we have.  How in the world did it get to this point?  Ugh.  Alright, moving on...

Alright, I think I should spend some of this glorious free time doing something productive like hauling my butt down to the exercise room and rowing or running on the treadmill, or anything other than sitting in this comfy chair typing away :P. Until next time.  (And does anyone still read this thing other than myself?!)


Shelley said…
I can't believe your BABY is walking!!! Well, I can, because this is what they DO, but still. It goes by fast, doesn't it?
Gaby said…
SO fast! It's for sure keeping our lives interesting!

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