Under the weather cravings

Currently, I'm recovering from a cold.  I took the last two days off and will be doing a couple of hours worth of makeup lessons this Saturday morning.

I really hate being sick.  Hate it!  I'm not sure if everyone feels this way when they're sick, but ever since I can remember, I've always craved extra healthy foods when sick.  I try to be good about my fruit and veggies intake (but don't always make it) as well as drinking more water (also bad about that), but somehow, when I'm under the weather, my body is literally screaming for just the good stuff.  Anything green, lots of vitamin c and tons of water and tea.  When I'm feeling normal on any given day, I'll typically drink coffee and coke zero. I've cut back on the soda drastically, but once in awhile, I enjoy it when I'm parched.  Today, the thought of it made me go "ick".

I certainly wish I could eat as healthily as I do when I'm feeling under the weather, but I'll be grateful for the times that I AM sick because they remind me of how blessed I am on any other given day when I'm healthy and feeling fine.  Also a good reminder to continue to take care of myself as if I were sick, even when I'm "healthy".

After resting for the most of the morning and afternoon today, I felt so much better than I did yesterday and finally felt good enough to venture out and make a much needed grocery run.  I got stuff for dinner tonight, which was salmon and roasted veggies:

I was already eating my dinner when Ryan asked me, "Aren't you going to take a picture of it?" Ha!  Since my avowed abstinence from Facebook and not blogging as much, I haven't been too concerned with taking pictures of food.  I quickly took one. Whole grain mustard and brown sugar salmon with roasted asparagus, potatoes/sweet potato and grape tomatoes.  I need to roast vegetables more often, they are so good.

And since I haven't baked in a long time, I was itching to do something, and I also had some overly ripe bananas that I didn't want to go to waste.  I found this appealing recipe on Pinterest:

Chocolate banana bread

It was suggested to slather peanut butter over a slice, which we did... but I wasn't that impressed. I dunno, I guess we must not like peanut butter as much as others do.  This tasted better alone with some hot tea.

That's it for now.  Hoping I'm back to 100% tomorrow.


Valerie said…
So are you back to normal yet? That food looks so good. I just wish I had the time / energy to cook that well. I'm lucky if I have time to make tacos!
Gaby said…
Ahh, sorry it took me so long to respond... haven't been checking my blog as often!
Yes, totally back to normal. Thankfully wasn't sick too long and was back on my feet in no time.
I hear you. The times I make the best meals are when I have plenty of time on my hands and don't have to worry about other obligations. Usually happens on either Sundays or a light teaching day. Any other time, I'm not really feeling like cooking much:(. Buuut, we still have to eat, so it gets done MOST of the time :)

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