Weekly Meals

For six out of seven days this past week, I managed to cook our meals and not resort to take-out.  The exception was Saturday night (last night) when we went to Melt Bar and Grilled in downtown Cubs with some friends.  Ahh, so much fun!  We just don't get to hang out with people too much these days.  Everyone has kids (and lives, lol) so it's just not always possible for everyone's schedules to coordinate.

I didn't always remember to take pictures, so I'll just post some links to the recipes I made.

Sunday:    Spicy Stewed Beef with Creamy Grits

Monday:  Leftovers!  [the stewed beef recipe made soooo much, next time I'll need to cut it in half]

Tuesday:  Leftovers again! But left out the grits as we were getting sick of it and replaced it with side of veggies.

Wednesday:  Apricot Chicken with Almonds and a Southwest couscous salad with roasted Brussels sprouts.

Thursday:  BLTE's.  No recipe--just used horseradish instead of mayo, Ezekiel bread, red Boston lettuce, tomatoes, slice of onion, bacon and fried eggs.  It hit the spot.

Friday:    Easy dinner again--Tuna Salad Sandwiches made with whole grain mustard and horseradish, chopped onion and celery, soy sauce, cayenne pepper, and sliced grapes and Craisins.

Saturday:  Dinner at Melt Bar and Grilled where I tried half of a vegan burger and the Korean BBQ Pulled Pork sandwich.  I'm definitely a carnivore, so the latter was my favorite, and I would definitely order it again next time.

Sunday:  White Cheese and Chicken Lasagna.  There is still a ton of this left, so we'll probably end up eating it again for dinner tomorrow night.  I am all for a night off!

I hope I still have the drive this week to keep up this no-eating-out streak (with the weekends being the exception, of course).  It will take some planning, especially since I have more rehearsals this week as well as another student spring recital this weekend.  Bracing myself for busy :(

Until next time!


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