17 Weeks and Some Pictures

It's been awhile since I've put up some pictures.  I need to work on that, especially for when the baby comes!  After entering the 2nd trimester I had a few days where I really wasn't feeling great and finally threw up.  So I joined that club, unfortunately.  Currently, I'm totally fine.  I hit 17 weeks yesterday and in a couple of weeks we will have the anatomy scan and find out the gender!
Here is my almost-98-year-old grandmother on my Dad's side, from when we ate dim sum for my 32nd birthday last December:

                               Sesame Chicken that I made for dinner earlier this week--so good!

                           And finally, even though I hate selfies, I had to document my growing belly:)

Other meals I've made recently include: Spicy chili, Sticky honey garlic sirracha chicken, salmon with roasted veggies, homemade skyline and Shrimp pad thai (no kit, the real thing!)

It's hard sometimes to plan meals ahead, but I feel better when I cook at home then resorting to take out.

Cannot wait for Spring!  Winter really hasn't been terrible, but I don't like the cold.  Plus, I can't wait to start wearing just stretchy maxi dresses...I am so over maternity clothes right now. I'm so petite that even the petite XS sizes are baggy on me.  I've been doing a mix of wearing my old pants without buttoning or zipping up and some stretchy pants I got over Christmas break.  Sigh.

Until next time...


Cat Simmonds said…
You look beautiful! Hang in there!
Gaby said…
Thanks! And CONGRATS on your beautiful twins!!! I'm sure your hands are full... but must be so fulfilling now that they've arrived!

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