Back to Normal, 2015

You know, I read posts on my blog roll pretty regularly, but am so forgetful about posting my own updates.  I go through details in my own head and I think I get confused on if I've already written about something or not--must be the pregnancy brain people talk about?!

Anyway!  Christmas came and went!  We announced our good news to my husband's family and they were shocked first and then beyond excited. (Later I learned the shock was because they all secretly believed we would never have children--at 32, I am supposedly "old" lol)

I went in earlier this week for a routine check up with my OB and heard the baby's heartbeat on the Doppler ultrasound.  I am opting to skip all genetic testing, which would happen in a few weeks if I chose to go through with it.  I was pretty sure even before getting pregnant that I wanted to skip that part, mostly because if I discovered any abnormalities, it would not change my desire to have this baby.  Also, my next appointment is for another ultrasound and they should be able to detect any abnormalities in that one, so if it affects my health, I'm trusting that will show up in other tests/procedures along the way.

It's in my nature to worry and fret.  The only thing that calms me down is to know that I'm really not in control here.  I never was.  I am hoping and praying for the very best... but also preparing for anything that could potentially happen.


Returned to my normal routine on Monday. I really needed a break--I always come back to my students feeling like a better teacher after I've gotten some rest :)

I'm almost 15 weeks pregnant, but now that we're already thinking about and preparing for students' spring recitals--and how quickly they always arrive--I'm blown away thinking that by the time spring recitals come, I'll be 6-7 months along.  Crazy.

I'm also trying to do a better job eating well. It's not that I've been craving junk, but that I've also not been into anything healthy, either.  It's been more about what's convenient for me.  And that doesn't always translate into "healthy".

So we got a touch of snow here in central Ohio yesterday, and all my students told me they got a snow day. What?!  Seriously, back in my day, I swear it had to be a level 2 or 3 emergency before schools even though about cancelling for the day.  The world is a different place today :/

It IS pretty chilly out, and I'm tempted to stay in and snuggle with my dogs as long as possible, but things need to get done before I teach in the afternoon.  Happy Wednesday :)


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