January 31st

Sigh. Almost February!  Well, most of today consisted of me finishing up tax info for my husband (he takes care of the taxes, but always asks me for my mileage, expenses, etc. since I am a freelance musician), and I'm ashamed to admit that I did a terrible job of keeping track most of last year.  Other than saving receipts from teaching/music-related purchases, I've gotten into the habit of procrastinating and then scrambling to remember certain gigs/special trips I've made throughout the year.  Really quite disorganized.  My goal is to start keeping better records and to do them on a regular basis, so that I'm not doing it all at once come tax season.

Sometimes, I honestly wish I didn't do what I do; we always end up owing way more because of my job.  On top of which, I wouldn't even have insurance or other perks if it weren't for my husband's job.  Even though we both graduated with the same major, he was smart and quickly found a different career path almost out of college.  I've had "normal" W2 jobs in the past...sometimes a part of me just wants to go back to that!


Other happenings in February:

-an upcoming doctor visit where hopefully we will finally find out what we're having, and also praying that everything is just fine.  I had a scary baby dream last night that I was having a boy (previously had another dream that it was a girl!) and that as I was walking out of the exam room, the technician blurted out "...but he doesn't have any hands!" I fell to the floor sobbing, and then I woke up!  Ahhh, I keep hearing that it's normal for pregnant women to have weird dreams...I just hope this was all it was.

- make a trip to Cincinnati to get a bow rehair AND visit BIL and SIL since they want us to peruse their old baby stuff and take whatever we need.

- an orchestra concert mostly featuring "big band" music and dancers

-Trying to get a group of my students together to rehearse for a performance of the Bach Double and my desperate attempt to form an elegant chamber orchestra out of 11-16 year old students!

Also just trying to stay on top of everything at home; I finally cleared out the spare room next to our bedroom that will be the nursery.  I am so eager to start putting stuff in there. I plan on keeping it simple, but still warm.  I don't plan on painting any elaborate murals on the wall or even a bright color. Just keeping it white/off-white and hanging a few pictures....maybe a plant or two and then whatever basic furniture we get.  I really don't want to go overboard and plan on acquiring lots of second-hand stuff.  Babies don't care!

I also need to make sure I'm still paying attention to our first babies--the dogs!  Get whatever vet visits/procedures they need done and out of the way before the baby arrives.  Thankfully, they've mostly been healthy, but the few times something has happened, it stressed me out SO much, and I just can't imagine dealing with that and a newborn at the same time.

Also trying to continue eating healthy--but I think I do alright in this department as I've always tried eating well even before I got pregnant.  I still freak out over the little things, like if that one turkey sandwich I had could have had listeria in it (my husband rolls his eyes every time I mention it!) or wondering if I ate enough fruit/veggies for the day.  I feel okay right now and only have gained six pounds, so I'll take it as a sign that all is well.
My husband thinks I look big...but some people don't even know I'm pregnant (or maybe they think I just ate too many cupcakes?) and act surprised when I tell them.

I hear it's supposed to snow heavily tomorrow.  Wonder if my students will get another snow day like they did last week (and there was barely any snow!)?  Even if they do, I usually still go in to teach, because by the time afternoon rolls around, the sun melts all of that away.  Those public school music teachers have it made...just kidding!

Alright.  Time to relax now that my taxes are done, and find something to watch on Netflix.  Have a wonderful weekend :)


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