23 weeks and a bunch of other stuff!

Alright, I'm going to attempt to type super fast and spew out a post in the few minutes I have before I have to run out the door to teach.

Well--let me tell you, in the early months of pregnancy I was so impatient for this baby to arrive, time could not have dragged more slowly back then.

Fast forward to now--going into my SIXTH month of pregnancy (HOW did this happen?)--and I am overwhelmed with my entire to-do list.

This is just a busy time, in general, without being pregnant.  Students' recitals, rehearsals, makeups GALORE (thanks to getting sick more frequently due to pregnancy--and SOME parents unfortunately just demand them right away.  Wish they could be slightly more considerate about my situation, but at the same time I feel guilty that I had to cancel even once. Such is life), going after gigs in an attempt to make as much $$ before I relinquish our second income to become a stay at home mommy.

And then the baby stuff:  STILL need to call insurance (which I've been putting off because the last few times I was on the phone with them, I came to the conclusion that most people are idiots and didn't really get the answers I was looking for) to make sure I'm on top of our coverage, etc.; have to register at the hospital and schedule a tour; start looking for a pediatrician and go in for meet and greets; fix up all the baby furniture that was given to us (sand down, re paint), launder all the sheets, clothes and everything else that is currently sitting in a mountain top in our small nursery.

Oh, and supposedly I'm going to have to throw myself a baby shower. Grrr.  The perks of having hardly any good girlfriends and no sisters.  My mom is planning to throw one at her home, but she is a procrastinator so I wouldn't be surprised if that date came and went and nothing happened.  That, or just 2 people will show up to the shower, lol.

Okay, I'm starting to sound so cynical here.  I'm just super overwhelmed.  My house is a wreck because I've stopped cleaning since every time I do, the floors get dirty almost immediately since this winter wont' go away.  So I've given up cleaning until Spring shows up.  As soon as I wash dishes, there's a whole other stack that miraculously shows up.  Husband's laundry piles up way more than mine does since he works out regularly, so I tend to be behind on that even though it feels like I'm always doing laundry at least every other day.

And then I think about how it will feel when this kid arrives and my head spins.  However, I will be home full time so I pray and hope that it will balance out and I will still find some time to really enjoy the baby and my husband, as well as other family members who will no doubt begin visiting more frequently to see their grandchild.  We do have a huge support system, so I'm thankful for that.  Both sides of family live in the same state and are only 2 hrs max away.  We complain--but it could definitely be worse.  Some people have to save their money for plane tickets to visit their families once or twice a year.  I am fortunate.  Our neighbors are great and very generous and supportive.  We have wonderful friends although we don't get to see them often, but we know they're there.

So in the end--I guess it will all be okay!  Just taking deep breaths and handling one day at a time.  There really is so much to look forward to, and I know the good days will definitely outweigh the bad and will be more memorable to me than anything else that is deemed stressful to us.

I'll be 23 weeks tomorrow.  Baby Madeline (yes--we picked a name many years ago and I love it!) is kicking me more and more every day.  She kept me up for hours last night, so I unfortunately slept in this morning and missed a Bible study.

Nothing on the agenda this weekend (hallelujah! no makeups! I think I've been doing them almost every weekend since February and people are STILL asking for them...had to put my foot down and give myself at LEAST one weekend off, sheesh) except maybe having dinner with our next door neighbors.  I spent several hours with them last Sunday while the hubby was skiing with my dad.  I didn't go for obvious reasons.  It turned out to be a great choice since I was able to just relax and chat with my neighbors and have dinner with them while it snowed outside.  I love slow, laid back days like that.  Want more of them.

Okay.  Must go now!  My tablet's battery died so that's partly the reason I haven't blogged as frequently.  But maybe that's a good thing.  Shouldn't spend so much time in front of a screen :)


Unknown said…
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Shelley said…
I love your baby name! You have a ton on your plate - I know it sounds overwhelming, but you'll knock everything out in plenty of time.

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