Wednesday, 3/11/15

I'm normally not a really early riser mainly because I prefer to stay up late.  But around 6:30ish I woke up from a dream (a baby dream, of course) and just lay there thinking about the million things I need to do concerning the baby, my students, projects, the FUTURE, ahhh.  And suddenly I realized, instead of just lying here thinking about them...just get up and start DOING!

So I got up, took the dogs out in the dark fog, made French press coffee (husband wanders into kitchen about to leave for work and says, "What are YOU doing up this early?") for hubby to take to work and then get started on looking for a pediatrician, calling insurance, emailing students/parents and it's not even noon yet.  It's a good feeling to scratch stuff off the list.

This past Monday I had another visit with my OB...everything normal.  Super short visit.  Heard the baby's heartbeat.  I now notice that Madeline likes to kick harder in the evenings when I'm sitting quietly, or when I'm trying to fall asleep.

Oh, and now my husband says he thinks he likes the name Olivia. Um.   I am so far ahead of this man...I swear he is only NOW thinking about the fact that we will be having a child, haha.  Ridiculous.

I am SO happy the weather is finally warming up. I'm sure everyone feels differently, but I think it sucks to be pregnant in the winter.  I hate the cold.  And when you're not feeling yourself, hating the cold is worse.  I can't wait to start wearing stretchy dresses and skirts and let my belly breathe!  My students have commented in the past week how "big" I've gotten. Ha, thanks.

I'm also in that bittersweet transition of trying to secure another teacher for all my beloved students.  Some of them I really hate to lose.  But this is the right time for everyone to experience a change.

I have a pretty short day today due to cancellations--only teaching two students later in the evening.  I'm going to catch up on housework and then go for a walk with the pupsters.  Feeling good that I don't have to worry about making dinner since I made a Sausage Ziti Bake last night and made so much we'll have leftovers tonight.

Hope you're all having great weather, too!


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