I Need To Stop Eating!

Some meals I made the past few days...

Capellini with meat sauce 

Moroccan Beef Stew

Simple Salad w/ grape tomatoes, pecans and feta cheese 

I've made pasta with meat sauce numerous times, but this time I mixed ground beef with pork and also chopped a bunch of veggies mixed in the sauce (I typically just dump tomato sauce and then add additional spices), and also used capellini pasta, which is thinner than what I normally use (just thin spaghetti).  I have to say, this has been my favorite meat sauce concoction, and I'm STILL eating leftovers three days later, and it's every bit as good as the first day.
The Moroccan beef stew definitely whetted my appetite as all the spices and ingredients were marrying together in the dutch oven...but sadly, the chick peas ruined it for me.  I also like Kalamata olives, but not mixed in with other ingredients.  Ryan doesn't get it, but Mediterranean cuisine is probably my LEAST favorite, and  I don't consider myself to be a picky eater.  Whenever Ryan suggests eating at a Greek place, I cringe.  I just don't know what it is...it just doesn't appeal to me.  Anyway, Ryan, of course, loved this dish.  He had three helpings.  I only had one.

And before I left to teach today, I quickly put together a salad for part of tonight's dinner of pork chops with stewed apples and roasted potatoes.

Other than cooking and eating like a piglet, the rest of the week is typical; once the weekend arrives, we're going home to celebrate my grandma's 96th birthday.  I'm going to try to make a cake for her, although I'm not sure how it will turn out.  I've been making a lot of cookies lately, but still need to make my way into the world of cakes.  I'm scared.

Here's to another week!


Frannie Pantz said…
As if I wasn't starving before . . . you're pasta looks soooooo good! I love experimenting with cooking! I have a lot of standbys but lately I have really enjoyed branching out to different things. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog (I got the original comment, but a lot of times it does initially go to spam even though I do end up pulling them out). That was so sweet. Thank you for sharing it with me. I really appreciate that.
Gaby said…
Ahh, sorry about that...I just saw it now! Thanks!

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