V Day '13

We celebrated V-day yesterday as I had the whole day off and was able to bake a cake, some cupcakes and have dinner ready by the time Ryan got home from work.  And since I was itching to give him his gift, we just did the gift exchange thing a little early.  I actually wasn't expecting anything as my Valentines gift last year was so awesome, I assumed it was good for at least a few years, lol.  But Ryan surprised me again.  This is what he got me:

A HUGE canvas photo of our beloved Yorkie, Zoe!!  Seriously.  She is the love of our lives :P

She couldn't care less that her image has been blown up for all to admire.  That's my  hand holding her still.

I also baked my first cake from scratch.  A chocolate beet cake with beet cream cheese frosting that was heavenly.  Only had a tiny slice, though, as I'm trying to control portions.

Tastes a lot better than it looks.  And yes, I know I did a sloppy job frosting it.

Hope you all had a chance to spend time with a loved one(s) and to also take the time to show yourself a little love, too!


Hannah said…
I love the picture! I never knew I wanted a huge canvas picture of my cat until just this minute!!

Gaby said…
haha! yeah, this has inspired me to think of other photos I may have to put on canvas as well. I'm sure your students would get a kick out of a life-sized picture of your cat to look at while they're playing, lol.

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