Pork chops for dinner

We receive a monthly issue of "Bon Apetit" and for two nights this week, I've made their Vietnamese Pork Chops, as they were absolutely scrumptious.  Ryan said they were "the best pork chops I've ever had"  (May be a slight exaggeration, as I'm thinking that most husbands say that to their wives!).

In any case, they were incredibly easy to put together (that's what always reels me in-- the "ease" factor) and I just made different sides to go with it both times.  Since my laptop is completely broken and I have no way of uploading pictures anymore, I didn't bother taking any photos.  But here is the link from the website:  Vietnamese Pork Chops

The first night I made them, I made black rice (apparently a "superfood"?) and a spinach/beet/tomato salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  Last night, I made mashed sweet potatoes and sauteed kale.  Really, I think anything can go with pork chops.

Later today:  teaching and possibly stopping by a fellow music teacher's home for her church group get together.  No Bible study, just food and games.  I've been attending a lot of (well, not a LOT, but more than usual, which was zero) small Bible studies and going to church more regularly in an effort to meet more people and get out of my comfort zone.  It's really changed my life and I'm happy to know more great people out there...but it also means I'm getting home even later than I normally do from teaching, and that's not such a good thing for Ryan, as that's the only time we get to see each other.  So I'm probably going to have to pare it down soon.  I really want that balance!

I haven't talked a whole lot about my faith or my recent renewed interest in being more active as a Christian, mainly because I've never been the kind of person who feels comfortable "preaching" to others, nor do I like shoving it down people's throats.  But there has been a shift lately; my faith was peripheral in the past (although I never would have admitted that verbally) and it's now starting to make its way towards the center.
This may be the extent of what I want to share concerning this facet of my life; and although I appreciate and value anyone who reads this blog, if someone were to deliberately stop reading because I choose to mention my beliefs, that would not make me want to stop writing or talking about them.  All I'm trying to say is I may mention it once in awhile if it's something I feel is worth writing about.

In the meantime, however.... I most likely will still just be posting about food, students, music, working out, traveling, doing boring stuff...you know.

That's it for Thursday. Hope you all have a good rest of the week and a relaxing weekend :)


Valerie said…
Please move to VA and cook for me. Your food sounds delicious!
Gaby said…
haha, if I lived close by, I totally would bring you a dish over!

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