Some photos

Some meals from the past few days:

1)  Pappardelle pasta with salmon, leeks and grape tomatoes in a garlic cream sauce

2)  Tilapia baked in parchment paper; sauteed kale and a beet salad w/ feta cheese and pecans

And this evening, I made a Chicken and Rice recipe a friend sent me. He wanted me to try it first and see if it turned out okay.  It was more than okay!  Pretty yummy...and easy to put together.

This is a pic of our small half bath that was recently painted "Pebble Grey".  Our upstairs master bath is the same color, but I couldn't get a very good angle of the entire room.  I'm really happy with the way it turned out, and I'm so glad I didn't pick out a darker color.  When I was looking at swatches, the pebble grey color looked SO light, but my dad wisely advised that, of course, paint always appears darker once it dries.  So I took a chance and it was just what I envisioned!

Okay, gotta go and finish some laundry...I woke up this morning to dog vomit on the bed (lovely, huh) and just got around to putting everything in the wash.  I did do some p90x workouts the last few days, but I really should be running more.  Just haven't done it.

Can't wait for the weekend!


Shelley said…
The bathroom color looks great! I've learned the hard way to pick a color that I like on the paint strip, and then go up by one or two shades, as they are always darker on the wall. Great choice. :)

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