3 Mini Workouts and Apricot Cakes

Today's workout(s) was a smorgasbord of three different activities, mainly because my attention span was extremely short today.  This morning I got all ready to do yoga and then 12 minutes into what was supposed to be an hour and a half workout, I said "meh" and stopped the dvd;  I put my shoes on and went over to the row machine and did 15 minutes of that.  So yeah, less than a 30 min. workout in the first half of the day. Lame, I know.

The middle of the day until about 7ish consisted of teaching, of course, and today I brought some treats in for the kids and some other teachers.  I hadn't planned on doing that, but last night around 9pm, Ryan was moping around the house saying something about how I hadn't made dessert in several weeks (because I've been trying to get FIT, people!) and he really wanted something sweet after dinner.  I chastised him at first, but then remembered I had seen an easy-looking recipe in one of our monthly Bon Appetit magazines for some kind of apricot muffin/cake type treats.  I quickly looked up the recipe and made a dozen of them.  Unfortunately, all my hard work went down the drain because in the middle of baking them, Ryan and I got into a stupid argument (which all started with the topic of Game of Thrones...don't ask) and by the time the muffins were done and I brought one over to Ryan, he defiantly refused to eat it just to spite me.  Sigh.

It's okay, though, because I'm pretty feisty too, and rather than leave them there for him to eat after cooling off today, I just decided to let my students enjoy them.  I didn't even have to offer it to some of them...they saw the plate and plainly said, "I have a question Ms. Gaby...."Yes? what is it" [that's me, assuming the question is about the violin].  "Ummm, who are those muffins for?"

So I'm glad that at least a few people appreciated and enjoyed them today ;)  Here's the recipe if anyone is interested (I'm definitely making these again and will probably make a couple dozen for this weekend's trip to KY):
Little Apricot Cakes


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