Tuesday, June 4th (I can't think of a better title right now)

I've recently been handed the responsibility of being Ryan's "personal latte-maker" before he heads to work in the morning.  I was pretty whiny about it this morning after he was being snobby about the kind of milk I used (1% instead of nonfat), and told him I had "second thoughts" about my new morning role.  It's my own fault, though.  After finding out a few days ago that Ryan had been stopping at the Mcdonald's drive-thru for lattes every morning, I blurted out, "Why didn't you tell me that? I would've made you lattes!" (I did, after all, work for Starbucks for 3 years)  Well, okay. So maybe that was a little ambitious.  I am NOT a morning person and Ryan gets up a lot earlier than I do for work (we just have different work schedules), so I was already setting myself up for failure.  Today was Day 2; so far, Ryan claims McD's lattes are better than mine AND he did bitch about the milk....so Day 2 may also be the Last Day!

At any rate, I was up earlier than usual, so I got a P90X arms & shoulders workout done; took the dogs for a walk; drove to TJ's to get stuff for tonight's dinner, as I'm trying to do better in the area of prepping dinner before I go teach (I can't tell you how much it sucks to get done teaching a bunch of kids and then drive home late in the evening wondering, "Uhhh, what am I going to do for dinner?!"), and am now writing this.

Since my laptop crashed on me, I haven't been spending as much time as I used to on the internet (which is GREAT) although someday I'd like to be able to go for longer periods of time without any technology... I'm guessing that's nearly impossible, though.  Our other computer is in the basement and I'm not a huge fan of sitting in a cold dungeon, hence, less time on the world wide web.

Getting closer and closer to our Boulder/Aspen trip!  We finally settled reservations for the rest of the trip, flight tickets and my friend's wedding gift. Check, check and check!  Still lots of stuff to do, though.

Ahhhh, my Yorkie is violently scratching the front door...sounds like a "I'm about to vomit all over the floor" kinda scratch....so I better go!


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