The kind of weekend I wish would happen more often

Hi there!

I've got a few hours to spare before heading to a friend's surprise birthday party this evening (at least I think it's still a surprise?).  When this friend's husband called me earlier in the week, he mentioned she *hates* surprises and he might tell her before everyone arrives that a "few" friends are going to show up.

It's a little crazy to think about it, but we're just about over two weeks away from our Colorado trip (still haven't had my bridesmaid dress altered...MUST happen this week! Just waiting to hear back from the seamstress) and there's still a lot to be done.  I'm a little disappointed in myself for not having worked out five to six days a week like I had wanted to--more like two to four times-- but it's possible that some of that work has started to pay off, as I've gotten some feedback from people, including my own husband who NEVER compliments me.  Before you say "Awww, she's got a jerk for a husband!" let me clarify by pointing out that he's the type of person who says what he means and means what he says.  I completely love that. He doesn't toss out compliments very often, but when he does, it means the WORLD to me.  
Anyway, we were out running some errands yesterday (tell you about it in just a sec) and I wanted him to stop by the mailbox so I could drop something in.  When I crossed the street to get back into the car where he was waiting, he said, "I think you working out more is starting to look pretty good!" I poo-poo'd it at first saying that it was most likely because I was wearing tight black leggings and wedge heels--but on the inside, I was elated that maybe, indeed, results are showing!
But it could still be because of the black clothing and heels. I dunno.

Moving on... we had a great Saturday, and the first one in awhile where I've had absolutely no teaching obligations (makeups or recitals, etc.) so that was a plus.  We went to our favorite pizza joint in Columbus to have some lunch.  I've mentioned Borgata before.  Whenever we have a hankering for NY style pizza, they never disappoint.
After lunch, we stopped by Wyandotte Winery which is 10 min. away from our house, and tasted a few wine samples with a cheese, meat and fruit plate (probably wasn't necessary after having pizza for lunch, but whatever) and bought a bottle of their Malbec blend (SO good, and I'm not a huge wine drinker either).  We then headed over to World Market so I could get a few things for my friend's birthday gift and then we returned to the winery again for a tour.
Came home, watched some baseball, lounged, and then our next door neighbor came over and we hung out on the patio drinking wine and grilling some more pizza.
I just LOVE those kinds of whatever you want, no guilt.

Today:  went to church in the morning, but left a little early once the preachin' was over because my allergies were killing me.  Did some grocery shopping at TJ's and Target and have to tackle some laundry and kitchen clean up before I leave again for the party.  Unfortunately, Ryan had to go into work early this morning and he's STILL there.  I feel so bad for him.  I'm really thankful, though, that he's such a hard worker.  He is not the typical 9-5 worker who watches the clock, itching to run to his car right when the clock strikes 5pm; the guy stays at work until EVERYTHING gets done and continues to work once he gets home typically until it's time to go to bed.  He is dedicated.  That's him, of course, but I'd like to think that it's also due to the nature of being a former violinist who practiced 6-8 hours a day.  See, people?  Even if you don't think you'll go into music, playing an instrument and being serious about it in your formative years can really do no harm to you in your adult life.
I try to emphasize that to students AND their parents if there is even a sliver of hesitation about continuing lessons--usually due to parents getting sick of fighting with their kids over practicing, or they just don't want to invest (playing violin can be very expensive, let's face it) anymore into the whole thing, especially when they think their kid should sound like Perlman after two years of lessons.

I've had my share of troublesome parents and students alike, but for the most part, all my current students and their families are pretty supportive and in agreement that music is very important all around.  They, of course, have no obligation to continue studying with me specifically, but as long as they stay involved w/ their chosen instrument, I make it clear to them that that is what's most important.

I'll have do this for another post, but I've been wanting to make a collection of stuff my students' say, just because they're really hilarious.  I've been doing that on Facebook lately, so if you've seen some of that stuff already, my apologies for being redundant.  However, I really need to record it all soon because I know I'll forget it at some point.

Oooookay, sorry this was all over the place--just feel bad for not writing as often and want to make sure I haven't left anything out.

Have a great week :)


Norma said…
Tight black clothes and heels...a woman after my own heart! ;)
Gaby said…
Haha...yeah, my closet is full of black articles of clothing that I've purchased mainly for concerts, but I tend to wear them most any day, to the dismay of my mother:(

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