Christmas Gift Ideas

Wow. Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I need to get on the ball with all the dishes I'd like to prepare for the big day.  Before I get to that, though, just want to share some Christmas gifts ideas that I've gotten from other blogs and such. (Yes, I started super early this year, just as I resolved to do last December since I abhor crowds.  I hope to be done with all my shopping before Thanksgiving, or at least by December 1st.)

I used to ignore Nordstrom as I thought it was way out of my budget, but sometimes I can actually find some affordable items there.  One gift that I hadn't considered in the past but am super excited about giving this year are these slippers:
I got a pair for my mother-in-law and my mom, and I'll probably go ahead and get a pair for myself soon.  They are soooo soft on the inside and I can't wait for both moms to try them on!
When I told my husband of my idea to get slippers as gifts for the women in our families, he thought it was "ho-hum", but when giving gifts, I try to think of what I'd enjoy receiving myself and I totally would embrace this gift.  That's my litmus test, I suppose? :/  On the other hand...I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to presents; I just love receiving gifts in general!
This is one that I was tempted to just get for myself, but I went ahead and sent it to my mom:
It appeals to me just because I don't really like walking around in bare feet or socks, but at the same time, I don't want to track dirt around the house.  This is a nice way to still stay "fashionable" but comfortable.  I bought the first pair at Nordstrom in person for $29.95, but they didn't have any other patterns or colors, so for more options you'll need to order from Nordstrom online.  I've ordered online from them before and stuff gets here incredibly fast, plus they have free shipping which is great.
Another gift idea for ladies is this shirt also from Nordstrom.  I tried a few colors on and felt pretty chic wearing these :P  Nothing over the top with them, but they are flattering, feel good and could be worn with jeans or leggings.  I haven't gotten them for anyone except for myself, but only because I'm unsure of how it would fit on someone else. I'm hesitant to get clothing for people in case it doesn't fit them and/or they'll hate it.  In this category (clothing) my litmus test isn't quite fool proof, as my style may not appeal to another female.

Other stores I've been perusing for my Christmas shopping are World Market and Homegoods.  I also saw tons of cute stuff at Marshalls when I went with the hubby, but he hates slow shopping so I couldn't linger for too long.

Not everyone I know drinks wine, but for those who like a good zinfandel (me!), a friend introduced me to Gnarly Head wine and now it's my go-to wine.  I never even used to like wine; I remember a time when it felt like a chore to sip half a glass--I just hated the taste of wine so much.  But over time, I've come to appreciate a glass (or two).  Ryan is a beer connoisseur and has a special fridge dedicated to his beloved fine beer collection, but I haven't quite made my way yet to appreciating beer.  Maybe someday.
Anyway, I'll probably get a few bottles of Gnarly Head as gifts.

For those who seem to have everything and/or are extremely picky, gift cards are always a great route, too.  Admittedly, the wannabe creative person in me wants to get every single person on my gift list a unique and useful present that they'll love.  I've learned that that's not entirely realistic.  So there will definitely be some individuals on the list who will get gift cards this year.

Other ideas that I've tried in the past (but don't always have the time or energy for) are compiling my own gift baskets filled with combinations of food and other trinkets that are fun.  That may be a little more budget friendly depending on what you put in the basket.  I'm considering doing that for my SIL (I have no idea what she or my BIL like as they are completely consumed with being parents to two toddlers) and a few fellow teachers I work with.

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?
Any other suggestions as to what I could add to the gift list?
Or do you completely hate the Christmas season and bypass all shopping?!?! :)


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