Gaby's Favorite Christmas Movies

Sorry for all the excessive postings, but hey! When I'm in a slump I'm in a slump; when I'm on a roll...well, I'm on a roll!

Lately, I've been seeing other bloggers' list their favorite Christmas movies, and that got me thinking about my own list.

While I've seen all the typical ones you normally hear people citing (A Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street, etc.), here are some that make me feel warm and fuzzy during the holidays, but don't necessarily come to immediate mind when thinking of classic holiday flicks:

1.  The Family Man

To me, this is kind of like a more modern "It's a Wonderful Life" and being the sappy romantic girly girl that I am, I always tear up at the end.


2.  Bad Santa 

Okay.  If you are a prude and hate rated R movies, this is not for you.  But if you have a sense of humor and you don't bat an eye at crassness, then you'll appreciate this movie.  Admittedly, I wasn't into it the first time I saw it, but it eventually grew on me and now Ryan and I quote it regularly and laugh like a bunch of nerds every time.

3.  While You Were Sleeping

What was I thinking--this should have been first on my list! I guess I'm doing this in random order because THIS IS MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE AND I WATCH THIS ALL YEAR 'ROUND.  I have the dvd, but will still watch it if it's on tv. I love 90s Sandra Bullock.  And Bill Pullman is not shabby, either.

4.  Die Hard

Oh yes. I did just put that on the list. If you don't like this movie then we can't be friends; and if you're a fully grown individual over 21 and still haven't seen this movie, then my jaw is on the ground right now. Yes, I have met people who claim to have never seen this. I was flabbergasted.

5.  You've Got Mail

Another one I never tire of. Between Meg Ryan and Sandra Bullock, I'm starting to REALLY miss the 90s.

*On a late note--after checking some other lists on IMDB out of curiosity to see if my personal faves showed up, I realized that I am not the only one who considered some of these to be "classics" so that is good to know!
On another note, looking at this list I realize how incredibly "chick-oriented" it must be.  But this is me.  I probably won't be watching A Christmas Story or It's a Wonderful Life.  I just don't get as excited.  I know, I'm weird.

I'm sure there are more I'll think of later.  Time for bed--and three posts in one night should clear me until...February?


Valerie said…
Yeah, I definitely wouldn't call Die Hard or Bad Santa "chick movies." So, you're good there. I, unfortunately, have never seen either, although I love all the other movies you listed. You can pick your jaw off the floor now.
Nate Robinson said…
Ahh You've Got Mail brings me back to the good old days of dial up modem and when AOL was cool! :)
Gaby said…
Haha, I remember when this movie first came out, AOL was so popular; even into college, I still used AIM to chat with everyone, and I'll always have fond memories of it, especially since it's how my husband and I began our friendship/relationship, lol. Absolutely the good 'ol days!

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