Small update

I meant to write a post a few weeks ago, tried on my phone, but failed and then lost the motivation to do it again. So back to being a sporadic blogger I am. A few weeks ago, we celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary. Someone told me that was our "Wool" anniversary, lol. I had never heard of that before. But yeah--getting that much closer to a decade...and it is just FLYING by.

Halloween also came and went; I was so pumped for trick-or-treaters and got a bunch of candy...only to have no one come to the door on Halloween night. Then a few days later, on Nov 2nd, as we were driving out of our neighborhood to go out for dinner, I saw families and their kids all dressed up walking around. Argh! I was so mad that I didn't get the memo (apparently) that they had rescheduled Halloween. How stupid is that, to do it in November? Yeah, it was raining a bit and windy on the 31st, but I know some places still did it. Besides, that's perfect weather for it, right? Whatever.

A couple weeks ago was a fall recital for one of the studios I teach for. I accompanied nearly everyone; and this weekend is another recital at the other school I'm at. I don't have as many students playing as they like to keep it at a limited number. I am accompanying a flute student--her teacher is my boss, the owner, and the token flute teacher-- and as we rehearsed yesterday for the first time, the student remarked how much more nervous she was with me being there. Her teacher asked her why and she said, "Because now that there's's so much more...REAL". My boss thought that was a weird comment, but I totally got what she said. Haha. That's why I love accompanying my students so much, because I think it teaches them the beginnings of chamber music and really listening to what others are doing.

  I also went for a short run for the first time this season. I was just feeling so crappy about myself--I missed running and I seriously need to be stricter about working out as the-year-of-turning-30 has proven to shatter any delusional hopes that I'd remain youthful looking and naturally thin forever due to my genes. That's it for now. Hope to be back soon...


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