36 weeks and Ignoring the Naysayers

I'm currently in Week 2 of staying home full time and just a few weeks away from meeting this creature moving inside of me right now :)

I had one of my weekly appointments with my midwife this afternoon.  Pretty quick since I have no complications.  Little girl's heart beat is still good and healthy; my weight gain (although appalling to me when I see the # on the scale) is apparently on target and normal for me.  Since I am petite to begin with, some family members (*cough* my mother) had expressed concern that this baby would be "too big" for me to push out, lol.  I brought this up to my midwife and she guess-timated based on my weight gain and measurements that this baby would be perfectly average and definitely not "too big" to come out of my body.  Maybe 6 1/2- 7 pounds.  That is kind of what I figured myself (and am hoping for).
I wish people would stop comparing pregnant women to other pregnant women, too.  Someone on facebook had left an annoying comment on how their wife's baby seemed to be more active than ours when I posted an update on our baby's movement and other stuff.  I had to restrain from publicly remarking back that both he and his wife are overweight, AND they are having a boy, AND even though it is his first kid, it is her 3rd and it is common knowledge that mothers are able to feel their babies more if it's not their first.  Apparently, their baby is so big they will have to do an early induction.
Anyway.  I am over the comparisons already.  I am 5 feet, weighed 100 lbs pre-pregnancy, and ran half-marathons before conceiving--it's not fair to compare me to someone twice my size who has already had multiple children.

I was also told I'd probably have preeclampsia since my sister-in-law, mother and mother-in-law all had it.  So far that hasn't been true (and hope it stays that way).

I was told I'd--no question, hands down--have a boy since that's all my husband's family seems to pop out.  If the last ultrasound is still correct and the technician wasn't completely incompetent, then that is also not true.

I want to experience an all natural, drug-free birth.  The majority of people are telling me with smirks on their faces that I'll be screaming for that epidural and that I won't receive a certificate for not taking drugs.  Just take them and be done with it, they say.
Somehow, this reminds me of when I wanted to do my first half marathon and people told me they couldn't understand why I'd want to do that to myself.  It didn't sound like fun, and wouldn't I rather just stay at home and relax?
It's when I compare the running/staying physically active naysaying to anything baby related naysaying that I realize I should probably wear figurative ear plugs when it comes to what I'd like to do with my own child and my health.
I don't understand what it is when it comes to making challenges or goals for yourself that turns certain people off.  I feel like I'd root someone on if they said they'd like to do this or that. Go for it!

At any rate, this is the big question: will I be able to do it?  I am not worried at all about my body handling it, but more if I can mentally push through.  I have no idea what my pain threshold is (but I guess I'll find out soon!) but if running has taught me anything (and playing the violin for that matter) is that anything of value doesn't come easily.  But it is certainly not impossible.

Any thoughts on natural vs. medicated birth or the idea of pushing yourself when others around you are telling you to not bother??  Curious to hear stories!


Shelley said…
I don't get people - sharing your experience is one thing, but doing that judgy comparison thing? Why???

You are going to be just fine, the birth will go the way it's meant to be (natural/medicated/vaginal/c-section - the most important things are ending up with a healthy baby and mama), and I'm excited for you to be nearing the end of your pregnancy and the beginning of motherhood!
Gaby said…
Thanks, Shelley!
Hannah said…
I think no matter what we decide in life there are people who will tell you you are doing the wrong thing and you will regret it! I came here to comment after reading your comment on my post today, and I wanted to say pretty much the same thing: we need to stop judging each other! It takes all kinds of people, and no one decision is necessarily better than another, except that it might be better for the person making it. And you have to do what you think is best for you--I know that my mother had natural childbirth for all of us, and my sister didn't, and they both felt they did the right thing :)

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