Day One of my new life.

So it's my first day as a stay-at-home-wifey (soon to be SAHM)...and it is WEIRD.  My parents left not long ago after going to my 35 week midwife appointment with me (husband is swamped with work) and I'm just sitting here in a quiet house with the dogs.
I remember yearning for this.  I am definitely a homebody and love doing things at home like cooking, cleaning and all that.  I'd get upset when I would have to put something on hold to go teach.

And now, I feel guilty.  It's a little scary losing that second income.  I feel like I'm really going to have to work hard to carry my weight and justify staying at home.  I mean, we talked about this for years and years and are on the same page...but still.  It is now a reality (albeit, only Day One of this reality) and it is strange.

I cannot believe that in about a month or so our lives will be so different and will have a third member of this family.  It is mind blowing to me.  Ryan and I have been together for over a decade and married for almost nine and it was always just the two of us (plus the pups).  Our worlds are about to change in a matter of weeks now.

My appointment went well.  Last week and especially over the weekend, I was probably feeling the worst I've felt this whole pregnancy (and it honestly still wasn't too bad) due to my running around getting the house ready for guests and our last baby shower.  I probably took on more than I should have for this shower (made most of the food) and I had a bit of a breakdown mid-week.  When my parents rolled into town Friday afternoon to help with stuff, I noticed that my stomach started getting really hard off and on.  It didn't hurt, but it was very uncomfortable and I'd have to bend over to just deal with it.  My feet were crazy hurting too.  But today, they are better now that everything is over, the guests have gone and I can rest more.  I told my midwife about the stomach tightening and wondered if they were Braxton-Hicks, and she said they may have been...or not.  If they happened more than four times in an hour she said to call her.  So far, it's not as noticeably bad as it was on Friday.
At any rate, she measured me, we listened to the baby's heartbeat (strong and perfect!) and took my blood pressure (114/ I alive or dead?!) and everything seemed to be good.  So from here on out, I am done with any worries.  I plan on doing small household tasks, cleaning, preparing freezer meals for when after the baby arrives (and I know friends and neighbors will probably be bringing stuff around, too, which will be helpful) and just enjoying my newly slowed down life and the changes that are going to come.


Of course, per usual, I forgot to take photos of baby shower #2 that we had at our home this past weekend.   Despite my stress and freak-out it really turned out beautifully and exactly how I wanted it to go.  On the invitations, we actually called it a "Baby Shower Happy Hour" and I invited both ladies and their guys to attend.  I made sangria and there was beer and wine, plus non-alcoholic beverages for myself and one other pregnant friend who came.  I probably made too much food (I'll be finishing the leftovers for days) but at least I had timed it alright so by the time guests started arriving, I was finishing up the last appetizer and was able to mingle with everyone and have a good time.  It was indoor/outdoor since the weather forecast predicted thunderstorms that afternoon.  So instead of having tables and chairs out in our backyard like we originally planned, we cleared out our garage and set up tables and the food in there.  The weather was actually agreeable and only drizzled for about 5 minutes before returning to warm weather.  When it was time to open presents, the ladies came indoors for that while the guys stayed outside drinking their beers.  The last of the guests left well after dark and I'm so grateful people took time out of their day to come spend time with us and help celebrate our pending arrival.

The plan today?  Ironing Ryan's laundry, starting dinner (and actually eating it on time when Ryan arrives home from work!!!! Yay!!! No more waiting until I get home from teaching at 8:30 or 9pm to start eating dinner), writing thank-you cards and continuing to organize the nursery (we have SOOOO much stuff, it's overwhelming) bit by bit.

Oh, and hope to be blogging a bit least until this little human arrives. I'm sure life will be crazy again after that.


Valerie said…
Well, I've been a terrible blogging buddy! I've seen and appreciated your comments on my blog, but I haven't even checked in on you in quite some time. You're pregnant! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I remember my 35 week appointment. The doctor told me that from that point on, if labor started, the doctor really wouldn't do anything to delay it. The baby was healthy, I was healthy, and we'd both be fine if Anna had come early. Of course, at 37 weeks I was put on modified bed rest because I was progressing too quickly. Well, I look forward to seeing future posts!

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