A successful dinner and SO ready to not be pregnant anymore!

I had a menu planned out for this week but it didn't really work out as I hadn't gathered quite everything I needed in one grocery trip and, well, this 9 months pregnant lady just doesn't feel like going out multiple times a week.  So I had to get creative again.

Last night, I made braised vinegar chicken which is one of Ryan's favorites.  I served it with rice and roasted veggies.  I couldn't find pearl onions anywhere so I just chopped up regular onions and that really was kind of the same in the end.

Tonight, I had boneless skinless chicken that I wasn't sure what I'd do with, and then remembered this restaurant my husband took me to long ago when we first started dating, called The Grand Finale.  Good memories of that place.  I always got their Ginger Chicken.  I couldn't remember all what was in it so I looked up their menu online and was relieved that I had all the ingredients on hand:  Sherry, soy sauce, ginger, honey and pecans.  I mixed everything up, marinated the chicken breasts that I halved to make them thinner, and then just lay them in a pan until the sauce thickened.  I made a couscous salad with spinach, onions, grape tomatoes, slivered almonds and golden raisins on the side.  Perfect!  Another successful dinner.  My husband said all that was left to make it perfect was that I dress up like a perfect 1950's housewife....yeeeah. Not gonna happen.

Oh, and I needed to get rid of some over ripe bananas so I made chocolate banana muffins, too.

In other news...I am so ready for this baby to come out.  Whereas before, I'd felt pretty good and this pregnancy has mostly been butterflies and rainbows, I am now very uncomfortable; mornings are the worst because my body is extremely sore after not moving for long periods of time.  It's like I worked out intensely (but I didn't) and the next morning my body aches all over.  I'm feeling more pain in my pelvic area and that's caused me to now waddle like a real pregnant lady.  My belly is also huge and sensitive.  I just can't wait to get back to feeling normal.  And of course, I can't wait to hold my baby girl in my arms.  We are all eager to meet her and see what she looks like!

Count down is just a little over 2 weeks!  What do you think: Will she be an Independence baby and arrive on the 4th?  Her EDD is July 3rd, but I know babies usually don't arrive on their due date.

That's it for tonight.  Now to try to get comfortable and get some sleep :(


Cat Simmonds said…
IT will all be worth it!
Gaby said…
I know you're right, and I CAN'T wait :)

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