Pad Thai for Dinner and Nursery Pics

Today was a pretty boring day.  Got up, made some coffee (limiting myself to one cup in the morning and that's all I need. I try to offset it by drinking more water, too), had one fried egg and some nectarine for breakfast.  Talked to my mom on the phone for a very long time.  I call her every day, even if I have nothing special to say :). I actually have been doing that ever since the day I found out I was pregnant.  They enjoy the updates (I think) and are eager to see their first grandchild.

I read a little; currently, I'm reading a horror novel by Joe Hill--son of Stephen King--called Heart Shaped Box.  It's not bad. It's the kind of book I could probably finish in one sitting except that I felt pretty fatigued today and my eyes kept getting blurry and droopy.  I've had to take a lot of breaks from household activities recently, whether it's washing dishes, laundry or whatever.

I tried taking my dogs for a walk but it was too hot for them.  We didn't get very far.  When I got back home I was pretty tired myself and wound up taking an unintentionally long nap.  But I felt better when I woke up.

Since Ryan was at a work dinner, I took the opportunity to whip up some Pad Thai for myself.  It's my own little tradition whenever he's not here, I HAVE to have Pad Thai, either take-out or home made.  Tonight, it was home made and not too bad.

Watched a chick flick, then started The Butler on Netflix until Ryan came home and now I'm typing up this post.  I will admit that the days are blurring together now that I'm home full time, and yet, they seem to drag endlessly, too.  Mostly because I just can't stand the anticipation of when this baby will come.  I think we're mostly ready for her.  We've got plenty of diapers, clothes galore, I'm hoping to be a successful breast feeder; I started packing my hospital bag, but I'm saving the rest for when I actually go into labor since I'm going to want to have something to do to distract myself. I know it's better to do most of the laboring at home and not go to the hospital too early. I am so hoping that my hospital stay is a short one.  The car seat is installed, nursery is all done (functionally, that is...I still would like to decorate a little more, though).

And each day, I'm trying to just maintain a somewhat clean home, stay on top of laundry so there's not a huge pile on D Day, and continue freezing meals and try to stay relaxed :). I think we're doing okay so far.

Tomorrow, I'll be 38 weeks.  No special plans this weekend.


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