Hurry up and get here already, Thanksgiving...

Thanksgiving break can't come soon enough.  Since Wednesdays are my "light" teaching days, that will probably be my first day off starting next week.  Few students than I expected are going out of town for TG, so I decided not to cancel.  Around the holidays, teachers use the 5th week as a makeup, and I almost did that, but when I glanced at the month of December and realized everyone would be short a lesson b/c of Christmas, I said, 'nah, not gonna cancel'.  Not worth it.  I get bugged too much about makeups around that time, so I'm trying to avoid that this year.

So it was finally decided where we're going to spend TG this year.  After a long and difficult deliberation (difficult= intense arguing and yelling) I realized it was only fair that we go to the in-laws this year since the last time Ryan and I went somewhere together, it was my parents' place, even though that was two years ago (last year, we split up and spent it with our respective families. We mutually agreed on that, and although it wasn't that horrible, I didn't want to do it again this year).  One of the downsides to being married.  Oh well.

Got a funny email from a parent whose son plays with a sub-group of the Columbus Youth Symphony; he just joined this year, and had his first seating audition several weeks ago.  He placed last chair and was really discouraged.  After taking a look at the audition score sheet, I helped him improve on a few areas, and when they had yet another seating audition, he apparently moved to 6th chair.  His mom said it was "bizarre" and didn't understand how a child can go from last chair to 6th chair in a matter of weeks.  No doubt, he probably sounded a little better (probably tried harder, too), but I agree the frequent seating auditions probably shouldn't be read into that much after that.  I know the mom thinks I sprinkled some kind of magic fairy dust  on her son, but I know enough to know that's not the case, and that the seating auditions are probably BS.

Off to teach a little, and looking forward to the simmering beef stew that will be waiting for me when I get back!


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