Thanksgiving and Other Stuff

I didn't really have access to a computer (or rather, a good one) over Thanksgiving break, so that's why I wasn't able to post anything or check email and crap like that.

Thanksgiving was held at my brother-in-law's house, and both Ryan's family and my sister-in law, Sarah's family were there.  I concurred with Ryan that TG was much better when it used to be held at his parent's house--conversation was more interesting, setting was more intimate and warm;  my brother and sister-in law's house is nice, but we were all seated at a makeshift long table to accomodate all 15 people and couldn't really participate in any solid conversations.  Also, people pretty much ate and left.  Usually, in our families (Ryan's and mine), people linger for hours after the food for the conversation.
Overall, though, it was a good Thanksgiving and I'm pretty sure I gained 2-3 lbs. over the course of 4 days.  Ryan and I went to the gym on Saturday, and I was surprised we were there for about 2-3 hours.  My workout routine is scattered, at best.  I think I ran about 4-5 miles on the indoor track, 2 miles on the treadmill inside the movie theater; rowing, tricep exercises, ab workout, and time on the stairmaster all make for a hurting body today.  If only I did this every day...

Ryan's grandmother turned 90 last week, so we all went out on Saturday evening to the Bonefish Grill to celebrate.  She's one of those old-fashioned southern ladies who doesn't want anyone to know how old she is, so we all had to go along with it and pretend we didn't know.  She would have been mortified had she known all her grandchildren knew.

Hmm, what else... (all of these events are not in order since my brain isn't working today)

Trip to the ER after Thanksgiving meal because my other brother in law got kidney stones and was in immense pain.  That was interesting.  And of course,  a slight case of the baby fever after spending some time with my two young nephews, Michael and Alex.  Everyone in Ryan's family keeps asking when we're going to have kids.  I'm so much more ready than Ryan is, so it's a little annoying as I know that every time someone asks, it just make Ryan NOT want them even more.  Don't ruin it for me, people!!  I really hope I have the first girl in the Miller family, and I hope I just didn't jinx it now by mentioning it...

And today, I return to teaching and it's going to be hard.  Later this week, a couple rehearsals with the Springfield Symphony and a concert on Saturday.  Hopefully I'll have the will to do some Christmas shopping on Sunday.  And hopefully, I'll return to practicing, too.  Of course the thing that should be one of the most important routines in my life has suffered the most.

Here's to a more productive week after a leisurely one last week!


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