Since this week will inevitably be devoted to mostly eating, I knew I had to get at least one day of running in there somewhere, and I'm more likely to go when I go with a friend.  So I called up a former Starbucks coworker--who originally got me running in the first place--to see if she'd want to go any time tomorrow or the next day.  The plan is to run 5 miles tomorrow, and I'm hoping I can continue that throughout the rest of the week.
I have the rest of the week off,  so after running tomorrow, I hope to get a bunch of items on my list done and over with (oil change, finishing laundry, cleaning...etc.) before I have to run to a student's concert later in the evening.  Hope to keep the productivity going on Wednesday, and that will probably also include making a few side dishes to bring to the in-laws for Thanksgiving.  We're leaving Wednesday evening and will return sometime over the weekend.

It was unseasonably warm today and it'd be awesome if it were the same tomorrow for my run.  Here's hoping!


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