Performance Class

I am starving and eagerly awaiting for the salmon I'm baking right now to be ready.  I'm also exhausted.  As far as work goes, I guess I didn't really work that hard today, but it felt like I did because around 5am this morning, Zoe, the yorkie, woke me up due to a diarrhea problem.  I had to spend a good hour cleaning up her accident and then giving her a bath.  That was fun.  So I go back to bed, but couldn't sleep very well after that, b/c I kept worrying I'd oversleep and miss the performance class I taught today.  I DID oversleep, but fortunately made it just in time.  Class only lasted an hour, but it was actually wonderful and my students blew everyone away. I was extremely  proud of them.  There was a little "masterclass" segment towards the end where two of my more advanced students played the 1st and 2nd movements of the Bach Double.  It was the first time they both played it together, though, so it was interesting for everyone else watching to see how it all came together.  I'm so glad I can accompany all my students, too, because I think that really rounds out everyone's performances. I notice, too, that my students get more into the music when I'm accompanying them.

Returning now to my dinner, and hopefully, will get more sleep tonight.


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