One Day Work-Week!

Here is what I'm thankful for:  a one day work week starting today!  Long teaching day, but I do it week after week after week during the rest of the year, so I WILL make it through today!

I was supposed to originally teach two days this week, but one of my students has their first concert tomorrow, and I'm always missing students' performances because of my teaching schedule. So after looking at my calendar and realizing that the Tuesdays students were getting 5 lessons this month (months that have 5 weeks in it count as a "free" lesson), I thought "dammit! when do I ever get a break? I'm going to only teach one day this week". 
I think last time I had a "vacation" was back in June, and that doesn't even count if one goes to their in-laws family reunion in Kentucky.  Hmm. So last time I went on a real vacation was probably a year and a half ago when we went to Cape Cod.

I'll definitely have more time to write later tomorrow and Wednesday; for now I need to get moving since I got up particularly late after not being able to sleep last night due to a migraine.

Here we go....8 more hours 'til freedom...


Anonymous said…
Two day workweek for me too! Though I charge by the lesson, not by the month--I would consider semester charges, but still with a certain number of weeks. I have other friends that do what you do though.

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