Today is the first day back to work after 9 days of no teaching and a whole lot of traveling and scrambling to see as many sights as possible, as well as horrible eating habits as is evident by the number I saw on the scale when I stepped on it last night and gasped.  My metabolism definitely is at a standstill.  I gained around 3-4 lbs. on this vacation.  Now before you roll your eyes and say "that's nothing!", I have to reiterate that I am extremely petite, small boned and Asian.  Those three things have helped me coast through life relatively easily, but I am now creeping towards my 30's and can no longer rely on my good genes.  I actually have to work at it now:(

But I didn't actually want to talk about my weight!  So onto Las Vegas and AZ...

IT WAS HOT AND DRY.  And that about sums it up.  Just kidding--I loved it, actually.  Particularly the Grand Canyon.  Words cannot describe how grand it is nor do pictures do it justice.  If you have never been there, that is definitely something I recommend one sees in their lifetime.  I would like to go back again and hike down the canyon, maybe even ride a mule. On this trip, our physical activity was a little hindered b/c we had five people in our group and I was the youngest (and sprightliest?), so hiking was pretty much out of the question.  We only had about a day to see the Grand Canyon and that is not nearly enough time to see everything.  I failed to realize just how much time was eaten up by merely traveling.  It was fairly exhausting and by the time we arrived back in Ohio (and I was on my way to KY) 4 out of 5 people got sick.  As of now, I am not sick and am praying that it stays that way!

Las Vegas....well, I'm definitely glad I experienced it!  I think it might be a much more fun place to visit with a younger group of people who are more adventurous; like I mentioned before, the energy in our group was, um, a bit lacking.  But STILL a great experience and I'm so glad I went along for the ride.

Speaking of rides, I am now fully aware of my incredible fear of flying.  I've flown before, of course, but holy cow, I do NOT recall my pulse racing, sweaty palms or panic attacks of any kind!  It was worse on the way to Nevada than the ride back, but that is something I really wasn't expecting out of this trip. It shocked me and I am now second guessing myself about whether I could ever fly again.  Yes,  a little ridiculous considering all the numerous places on my list I'd like to see in the future.  But for now, I'll enjoy keeping my feet on the ground...

I took tons of pictures but am unable to upload them right now, so I will try to do that soon.

A good and bad thing about the southwest was the weather which I both miss but at the same time thought was a little unbearable while I was there.  The good thing about it was my allergies completely disappearing and my skin not being sticky and oily all the time--something that constantly happens here in humid Ohio.  And, of course, when I was in the hills of Kentucky, it was even worse, as we stayed in a log cabin way out in the boonies.  So, dry smooth face--I miss you a lot:(  Feeling like I was living in someone's ass--no, that I do not miss!

Overall, a wonderful vacation.  Admittedly, I am relieved to be back in the comfort of my own home and sleep in my nice, big comfy bed.

I'm in my studio right now with a few hours of spare time since I started the first day of my "summer hours" meaning that I'm doubling up on my teaching in order to get Fridays off all summer.  Well worth it to me.

What will I do with all that free time?  I guess I could be ambitious and list them all right here, but I'm afraid I'll just look like a fool when, in 3 months, we all look back and see that I accomplished zero of those goals.  My only goal:  Have fun and enjoy the summer.  Life is short, so I am done beating myself up over small and big things.

Oh! and I almost forgot--even though he doesn't read this blog and hates for me to mention anything about him, I just have to proudly mention that my hubby won his first 5K a couple weekends ago.  He completed it in 19 minutes!  He is my hero and someday I'd like to whittle my 5K time closer to his PR.

Anyone going on a much anticipated vacation or have already?


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