Still here...

I have to say--there are times when I am just not motivated to write about anything; sometimes the lack of motivation comes from sheer laziness, or lack of imagination or creativity (hence my blog name!), or sometimes I just feel like no one is really reading this except for myself and perhaps a family member or two (*not knocking my family--they're special and I love them!*).
But today, after scrolling through older entries I've written a year or two ago, I was reminded why I wanted to keep a blog and I'm so happy that I have.  This is literally one of the few ways I get to keep both small and major memories completely vivid and real at a moment's glance.
I love reading entries from a year ago and remembering how I first embarked on my running journey--despite not accomplishing everything I wanted to do--and realizing that this is still a journey.  I'm never going to be done--at least, not until I die.
I want to remember both the stressful and the great moments in my life.  I know that now.  When I first started a blog, I think I did it with more selfish and vain reasons than I cared to admit at the time.  Too often, I'll read someone else's blog and wonder why my life isn't as wonderful or exciting, or why I can't seem to be as appealing as they do.  I have to remember that each blog is unique and individual as the person herself and some will choose to disclose the bad along with the good, while others choose (maybe wisely...or vainly) to not air their dirty laundry and therefore give readers like me a much more perfect impression of their lives.
This might all be coming out wrong!  I am in no way criticizing or judging what someone chooses to divulge or share on their blog; my real point is that I'm glad I remembered the real reason why I wanted to start and keep this blog for myself and will continue to (hopefully!).  So many times I've thought about deleting this blog altogether, citing negative reasons: there's no time to write; no one reads this thing nor do they care; it's too self-indulgent to keep a blog and I'm not important enough to act like I should have one.  Yeah, that last reason is pretty ridiculous but I've had that thought before and it sure looks silly typing it and then reading it for myself.

But it's all okay, Kind Reader!  This discovery has ignited my blogging fire and the possibility of blog deletion is now past us.  Whew!

I will not make promises of consistent blogging nor will I any longer make promises of achieving certain goals that may never be achieved (or at least may take some time to achieve)--but I certainly will follow my blogging heart and continue to record what compels me and to happily look back on how I lived my life.


So enough of that sentimental crap. :P  The agenda for the next few days and the July 4th weekend hold nothing but sheer fun and blissful relaxation:  tomorrow morning, a 6 mile run with my friend at Highbanks, whose hills breed a love/hate relationship for us.  On Saturday morning, same friend and I will go on an outlet shopping spree and I'm really excited about that because, a) I hardly ever go shopping anymore-it's just not fun to do alone and b) I pretty much love doing anything with this friend of mine because, well, she's just a FUN person!  Don't you love friends like that?  What's that, what did you say?   Aren't all friends supposed to be fun..duh?!  Well...yeeeaahhh.  I guess. I have a variety of friends that I thoroughly enjoy--but they are all so different, too.  Some are great for just sitting down and having a cup of coffee and listening to your problems and concerns and vice-versa.  Others are perfect for doing outdoor activities and you know they'll always have the energy and attitude to keep pushing YOU,  as well.  That's why I love all my friends.  I don't have hundreds of them, but the few I do have, I am entirely grateful for.

What's everyone else doing this weekend?


One of the things I love about writing is that it doesn't go away. I can set it down and come back later and my words are still there, exactly the way I left them. This is so different from the way I express myself as a musician, where (unless there's a recording) everything depends on a performance. The work I do doesn't disappear with time.

My point, I guess, is that there are a whole lot of good reasons to write, and I'm glad you've found some that are meaningful to you and that you plan to stick around!
Gaby said…
You put it well--that's exactly what I love about writing!
Alison Fay said…
I'm so glad you're not deleting your blog!! You're a real inspiration,and I've enjoyed reading back through a few posts :)
Gaby said…
Thank you for reading, Ali. I appreciate it!

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