And I can't wait.  I screwed myself over this week with the teaching schedule in order to get this Friday off so I can go home a day before our flight leaves and spend some time with my aunt and uncle who are coming in from Argentina.  It's okay, though--I don't really won't be that bad.  I'm not going to even think about it because before I know it, I'll be on a flight to Las Vegas:) (Can't you tell it's been so long since I've been on a "real" trip?)  I'm just so excited for an entire week of unwinding and not thinking about anything work-related.  I feel bad that hubby couldn't join me, but at least he gets a few days off for his family reunion, and I'll be joining him for that when I get back from my trip.

Before we ever decide to have children, I'm pretty determined that he and I go on a really special trip somewhere.  Maybe New Zealand or Ireland?  I've already been to Europe and S. America, and although he's never been to either continent, he doesn't seem very interested in going.  He has been to Asia (which I have not, I'd love to go someday) and Mexico, but that's it.  Oh, and yes, I know that Ireland is part of Europe, but I guess I meant that hubby isn't interested in the typical European countries that most others want to go to (ie, France, Italy, Spain, etc...).  That's fine with me.  Been there, done that.

Blech.  So much to do before I leave, and since I'm such a disorganized person, I'm not sure how much of it will get done.  At the top of the list:  Doing all my laundry so I actually have some decent outfits to pack for the trip (and yes, I will be a girlie girl and probably spend a stupid amount of time picking out my outfits for each day); FINDING MY STUPID BATTERY CAMERA CHARGER SO I CAN TAKE PICS OF THE TRIP! (sorry, didn't mean to yell); Getting in a few runs b/t now and when I leave; Practicing!; and a ton of other crap that needs to get done.

Nothing too exciting happened over the weekend--just taught some makeup lessons Saturday morning, cleaned and then made two chicken pot pies yesterday afternoon for myself and one to bring to a baby shower.  Watched some new Hoarders episodes on Netflix and practiced.  Pretty boring.  Just the way I like it:)

It's gorgeous I think I'm going to celebrate by practicing!


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