Tangos and Church--do they mix?

I think I'm turning into one of those once-a-week bloggers--my apologies!  I guess I'm unintentionally following the old adage, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all" or in this case, if I don't have anything good to write about, don't write at all!

Actually I'll be honest and attribute my infrequent posts to laziness.  Things have been happening and I often think of what to write about on here, but I lacked the motivation to actually sit down and start typing.

This past weekend I was tied up for the most part because my parents and relatives from Argentina stopped by for a visit before my aunt and uncle head back to Buenos Aires this week.  I'm so glad they got to visit me in Columbus.  We had a pleasant outing to North Market where we all had Vietnamese for lunch and then sampled Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams.  Later in the evening, I made Chicken Scampi Pasta with spring mix and watercress salad and it was a really enjoyable end to our Saturday.
As luck would have it, I was scheduled to play for a few church services with a local pianist who also enlisted my student to play duets with me.  One of the pieces she wanted us to play?  A tango!  When I found out what we were playing earlier last week, I called my mom right away to tell her that they HAD to stay overnight so my aunt and uncle could enjoy some tango music in preparation for their voyage back to their country.  Very fitting!  My student and I played "El Choclo" (translated means, "the ear of the corn"....I know, why would anyone write a song about that? Don't ask:P) and I think everyone enjoyed it!

My summer schedule didn't exactly turn out the way I had hoped, but I'm still thankful that I have most of Friday off (two students couldn't budge, so I'm driving back and forth just for them...sigh), but I can already tell that this summer is going to fly by and I probably won't really get to savor too many free days.

Okay, I gotta run out and get some allergy medicine as I woke up this morning with out of the blue allergies and have been sniffling and sounding awful for my morning lessons.  Hopefully, my posts will not become just a once a week thing--but sometimes, my life is pretty boring, what can I say?!


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