Christmas and Birthday Recap

A serious update is needed!  After the Christmas Eve service I played last weekend, we headed to my in-laws for Christmas where we were greeted with loads of presents under the tree.  I really loved all my gifts: tons of giftcards, sheet music of Prokofiev Violin Concerto No. 2 from my MIL, and a brand new Tonareli violin case from my husband which took me by surprise.  That was probably my favorite gift, because it was also very unexpected.  I had wanted to order one several months ago, but my husband told he didn't think I "needed" one and to forget about it.  So I pouted and promptly forgot about it until I opened that big blue bag on Christmas morning.

And today is my birthday--the last one I'll spend in my twenties:( But it's okay, because I'm ready for a new decade, plus I'm determined to make my 29th year a great and memorable one.
For my birthday, my mom wanted to spend the day with me, so we first went to an Indian buffet for lunch.  After that, she took me on a shopping spree where I scored a few cute tops from Talbots (yes, now that I'm "old" I shop at an old ladies store) and some camis from Abercrombie.  After that, we picked up some Chinese take out and a few DVDS and are about to sit down to eat and watch Bridesmaids.  Overall, this was a really fun day and I'm ready to enjoy the movie, so I will catch up later!


sarah marie said…
ooh please post a review of the new violin case! I got a musafia a few years ago and thought it would be my violin case for the end of time but alas it is falling apart and I'm supremely disappointed. Someday someday... if and when money permits... I would like to get a new case, and one that doesn't let me down!
Gaby said…
I'll definitely write about this soon! Would be more interesting if I could post pics along with it, as well...:)

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