Hey there

It's been a long week.  With the arrival of December come the expected holiday gigs for most musicians and I've been busy with them ever since the beginning of the month.  Lots of rehearsals (some necessary, some not), driving all over the place, doing more laundry to clean all my black concert attire (okay, and maybe caving and buying MORE black attire. I just can't help myself) and meeting new musicians as I go along.  I keep seeing the same people at all my gigs, which is nice because I have a chance to actually talk to them and get to know them. 

Unfortunately, one of the gigs I've accepted is for a midnight mass service on Christmas Eve.  It's going to last until 1:30am.  It will be hard playing knowing that my husband and dogs will already be with his family by that time.  I will join him early Christmas morning, though, so there is no real reason to complain.  I also have that whole week off which I'm looking forward to.

This past weekend, I attended a funeral.  The first funeral of someone I knew and worked with (I've been to funerals before, but always friends of my parents).  It was unexpected and I first heard of this person's complications through a student whose son was taking guitar lessons from him.  I felt so sad that I hadn't had a chance to recently talk to this fellow teacher; I'd only be able to say a quick "hi" from a distance as we'd escort our students to our rooms.  It's still a little inconceivable that he won't be around anymore.

So while this month is still only half way done, it's already been a bittersweet and somber one.  I love Christmas, but I've always been torn between mixed feelings of excitement and sadness around this time of year.  I don't know if most people experience that, but it's so strange to think that, depending on what the circumstances are, this can either be the most exciting or the hardest time of year for people.

And I really hate to break the mood, but I believe I just heard my yorkie throwing up upstairs. Gotta go.


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