You can't have my cookies! Christmas is next week??!!  What the heck!  Well, I've gotten almost all my shopping done.  I'm still at a little bit of a loss over my brother and sister-in-law, but I think I've settled (disappointingly) upon creating a smorgasbord gift basket for the two of them, with an assortment of girlie type stuff for her, and manly stuff for him--and perhaps a gift card for a restaurant so the two of them can get out once in awhile away from the kids.  I hate to say it, but being around those two does NOT make parenthood look appealing;  fortunately, I'm aware that having kids doesn't really translate into your life completely ending--I've seen other couples lives remain intact, so there's proof that it's a personal choice.:P
I also made a big purchase for the hubby who has been asking and asking for a Northface Triclimate coat.  I want to get him some other stuff, too, but I'm not sure what.  Maybe cookies because he's been stealing the ones that my students have given me over the past two weeks.  There is a serious cookie stealing problem in this household if you can recall, so I need to be very careful about hiding my personal stash.  This evening, one of my students gave me a box of Cheryl's Cookies which are amazing and are made here in Ohio.  I will let hubby have one--ONLY ONE--cookie and the rest are mine!  I know, I'm a bad wife.  Oh well.

This weekend, we have house guests coming over and unfortunately, I will be absent for all of Sunday due to playing a double show for the Trans Siberian Orchestra at the Nationwide Arena downtown Columbus.  I just couldn't pass up such a good gig: easy music, great pay and free meals!  After that, one more gig on Christmas Eve and then I can enjoy my week off.  My birthday will be later that week, and I'll probably just go home and spend it with my parents and then come back to Cbus for New Year's Eve.

I know I haven't been posting very often, but I've been running around like a crazy person--probably like everyone else right now.  I hope to be more consistent in January.

Hope everyone is staying sane through the holidays!


Hannah said…
COOKIES! My freezer is full of them...

I am playing that gig you mentioned the day before ;)

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