9 miles

Just finished a 9 mile run.  Definitely some hard moments where I just wanted to stop and walk, but didn't let myself do that.  It probably didn't help that I ran without any music and chose a pretty flat, boring course in the New Albany area.  I ran along the New Albany golf course and did a loop around which was about 6ish miles.  I am still hovering in the 10:30-11:00 min. mile range.  I think from now on, I should start bringing food with me; usually after 4 or 5 miles, I start getting grumpy and can't stop thinking about what I'd like to eat after running.  On today's run, I was daydreaming about pickles.  What?  I'm not a really big fan of pickles, but I wanted them for some reason (no, I am not pregnant!) so I think I'll get a jar from the grocery store later today.

I also need to get some new running clothes that have more pockets to store energy bars or gels.  I'm also on the hunt for compression socks.  I read up on them last night and can't believe I've gone this long without trying them out.  They're supposed to be good for better shock absorption and better blood flow throughout the legs.  Maybe that would help with my limb fatigue/numb foot/sore knee problem(s).

Alright, time to jump in the shower and meet my friend for a shopping trip.  I think I'll check out Lululemon while I'm there.  Anyone been to that store before?  I keep hearing rave reviews, but also know they're crazy expensive.

Here's hoping for a better running week:)


Hannah said…
Lululemon creeps me out. I went with a friend and had a mild panic attack. That's just my opinion of course.

I LOVE compression socks for recovery. I feel like they are hugging my calves.
Valerie said…
Thank goodness someone is the same pace as me! Most people tell me how slow they are, and they're still 30 seconds faster than I am.

You'll have to let us know about the compression socks. I'm intrigued!
Gaby said…
Haha, @Hannah: why do they creep you out(other than their horrendous prices)?! Their stuff looked really cute...but just so overpriced. I think I'd allow myself to maybe just get one thing to see what the hype is about.
Where did you get your compressions socks from? I went to Dick's sporting goods but surprisingly, they had none. I'll have to try a running store around here (duh).
@Valerie: I used to feel the same way, but now I just care about feeling good enough to not have to stop and walk (or limp). If I'm doing 12 min. miles but feeling strong, then I'd be okay with that, too. Good luck with your 10K!!

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