Lemon Pasta and Chocolate Banana Cookies

Last night I made Pioneer Woman's Baked Lemon Pasta--so bad...but so good!  I also tried a new cookie recipe that Ryan saw on the Cooking Channel.  I'm not a big fan of banana, other than just eating it by itself or perhaps with a smear of peanut butter, so I wasn't really into these cookies.  However, the hubby thought they were the best cookies he's ever had, so if you like bananas w/ chocolate, these are for you!

PW's Baked Lemon Pasta (super easy to make)

Kelsey Nixon's Chocolate Banana Oatmeal cookies (also very simple to make)

Today is a gorgeous day--perfect for taking the pups for a long walk!  I did run a few miles on the treadmill this morning; I had every intention of seeing how long I could go for and had the entire gym to myself, until some clown came in and walked past the long row of empty treadmills just to hop on the one right next to me.  My husband thinks I'm weird, but that's a pet peeve of mine when people choose a machine right next to you when there's a whole empty aisle of them to choose from.  It throws off my concentration when there's someone keeping up the same pace as me in an empty gym.  Plus, it's a little creepy when it's a guy.  I might be paranoid (don't tell me--I know I'm paranoid) but it's just how I roll.  So, I'm going to attempt another run later tonight.

Man, I wish I could be like Skinny Runner and just be a stay-at-home wife so I could run all day long.  Or practice all day long.  But maybe in reality, I'd actually sit on the couch all day long watching TLC and not do either of those things:/

Seems like the rest of the country is having great weather, too, so hope you all enjoy the day:)


amy kelinda said…
Lemon pasta?! I am going to have to make that next week. Love Pioneer Woman! And giiirl, I hear you about the "why did you pick the machine next to mine when there are 3285728 other ones to choose from?!" But I also hate whenever the gym is PACKED and I hop onto a treadmill/elliptical/stairmaster/whatever next to someone because it's the only one that's open and they give me a dirty look. Please.

I hope you get to have the gym all to yourself tonight!
Gaby said…
Yeah, it's different if the gym is packed--that's more understandable. Lol, I don't give dirty looks to anyone, but perhaps whatever aggravation I'm feeling is something I need to just get over! I've always felt that way about gyms...and I'm wondering if the real problem is me, haha!
Hannah said…
I thought it was basic gym etiquette to leave a treadmill empty in between, unless it's all full...or maybe right by a fan or a/c vent?? Totally annoying!
Gaby said…
Hannah--I know, right? You'd think most people would think that way. I went back to the gym late this evening, around 10ish...SAME THING HAPPENED! Empty gym, guy lurking around hopped on treadmill right next to mine, while there were perfectly good, working TD's elsewhere. Argh! So once again, my run tonight was cut short, just b/c I felt creeped out. I'm running outside tomorrow, definitely!

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