Still Here

Just a quick post to check in and say I'm still alive.  I haven't posted in two weeks practically, but it feels like two months.  Nothing spectacular has happened, which is why I haven't felt compelled to blog; I've been feeling rather "blah" about blogging lately.  My mom read my blog once and later said, "It looks like no one reads it.  Why do you write?"  Ouch.  Well, sometimes, when it seems like no one is reading it IS easy to think, "well, shoot--why AM I writing?"  I write for myself.  If nothing else, because of my short-term memory, I enjoy looking back at old posts and remembering events, recipes, or runs I've done in the past.

Today was a gorgeous day and I made plans to do a 15 mile run on the Olentangy trail near the OSU campus as soon as I got done accompanying a student for a little competition held on campus.  I called a friend to see if she wanted to join me and quickly changed and got a head start on my run as my friend didn't arrive until an hour later.  I ran for about 40 minutes solo, completing 5 miles.  My friend joined me, but confided that she had hurt her foot the day before on a run.  I also suddenly remembered that I hadn't eaten at all before my run (I know, stupid) so since my friend didn't care too much, I just decided that whatever happens, happens.  If we feel like it, we'll keep running, if not, we'll just walk.  We ran for about a mile when we saw a food truck selling BBQ sandwiches.  I got one and we just walked and talked while I ate.  I really needed it and felt so much better afterward.  At this point, though, we got so used to walking and window shopping along High St., that we just kept at it until we got back to our cars.  So what was intended as a 15 mile run turned into a 6 mile run + 1.5 mi. or so walk.  I'm okay with that, because I had such a good time with my friend.  I think I'm going to attempt a long run tomorrow morning, just so I won't feel guilty.  It's supposed to rain tomorrow, but the rest of the week looks amazing: temperatures in the 60's and 70's.  Definitely helps with marathon training.  I'm starting to feel a little more positive about it--but still not as pumped as I'd hoped.  More than anything, I want it to be over already.  Doesn't that sound horrible?

Well that's about it.  Hopefully will be better about writing more!


Hannah said…
I read your blog!! Missed you :)
Gaby said…
Aw, thanks--I appreciate it!

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