Chia seeds = miracle worker?

A 5 mile run was on the schedule for today, but since I felt slightly sore this morning, and I have an incredibly long gap in my teaching schedule tomorrow afternoon (like 3 hours!) I decided to do it tomorrow.  There's a path literally behind my teaching studio, so I can finish up my last student and run out the door.

I forgot to mention yesterday that I mixed some chia seeds into my steel cut oats for breakfast before my run.  My husband used to take them religiously when he was running a lot more and claimed he had more energy.  He does more rowing than running nowadays, and our jar of chia seeds has been sitting in a lonely corner of the kitchen for a year or so now.  I can't say for sure if this was the reason or not, but a slight pain I was having in my right knee since my 16 mile long run has disappeared.  Besides normal soreness in my thighs--no pain in the knee!  I'm pleasantly surprised and very hopeful that this is the cause.  I'm going to try to make a much better effort to be careful of what I put into my body now that I'm going into the last month of the training schedule.  The last two days, I've felt much more optimistic about all of this--but I'll wait until this Saturday's 18 mile run is over to tell you how I feel then:)

Sorry to all you musicians who might be reading that I've been an incredibly boring musician blogger: a whole lot isn't really happening other than teaching every day and gigs here and there.  A few concerts coming up, but then I hope to take it easy this summer and focus on more "me" time and taking some vacations w/ the family and with my husband.  Haven't taken a vacation w/ the hubby in years.  No sense in worrying about makeup lessons or losing students whose parents are miffed I *gasp* took a whole week off for my own sanity!  My desire for this summer is to just enjoy those trips stress-free, maybe even change my schedule around so I only teach four days a week instead of five (get a 3 day weekend), and perhaps get into practicing seriously again.  I practice the obligatory hour or so when I have rehearsals or concerts, or when I have a gap--but I realize that my playing will only get worse and even harder to maintain in a few years if I don't start doing a few hours each day soon.  Sigh, just too many things I want to do and become good at, and not enough time...

Didn't mean to rant this much...take care!


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