Christmas: It came and went. Now it's time to crawl under the covers and hibernate.

It's probably about time I updated, right?  What can I say, except I'm really trying to absorb and enjoy this longish holiday break.  Mine started on Friday when we drove up to my in-laws and surprised my MIL, since she thought we weren't showing up until Christmas Eve.  We spent five days there and decided to beat the snow storm and come home last night.  SO glad we did because we got snowed in today.  And that was totally okay with me.  I spent four hours cleaning the upstairs and have spent the last couple hours snuggled in bed with my pup, reading my Kindle, watching re-runs and scouring the internet.

How was your Christmas?  Ryan and I were loaded with great gifts this year; lots of kitchen-related items, which is always great.  Lots of gift cards (also from students, which I'm always grateful for) and a TON of candy (still haven't quite gotten a handle on a solid workout routine...maybe tomorrow...) and half of my gifts from everyone alluded to our upcoming Aspen trip next June (again).  My BIL gave me some trekking poles which I'm excited to use; MIL gave me running gloves and a couple of sports bras which I really need.

And this Saturday, all the same people plus my own family are coming to us to help me celebrate my 30th BIRTHDAY, WOO HOOOO!!!  I'm so pumped to see everyone in one room and to just have some great conversation and company.  I made reservations at a nice Italian restaurant, parents are bringing an Italian birthday cake from one of my fav bakeries in Akron, OH., and I'm just hoping and praying that the weather isn't too bad that it prevents anyone from driving here safely.  And because it's a milestone birthday, I'm dragging it out by "celebrating" with another group of friends later on in January.  I'm quoting 'celebrating' because one of my friends happens to be a Jehovah's Witness and doesn't celebrate birthdays, so I roped her into my little get-together claiming it didn't count since it will be nearly a month after my actual birthday, and really I just want to be with friends more than glorify the fact that I'm another year older.

December has been a pretty lazy month workout-wise, but I think I kinda balanced it out by not eating like crap.  Even over the holidays, I didn't go completely crazy.  Stopped eating when I was full.  But seriously, I need to get on the ball; running, rowing, gym, ANYTHING....I have to do something really soon, and keep it rolling.

Must remember to take lots of pictures on my birthday!!!  Hope you all had a great Christmas and if you're on break...enjoy and relax!!!


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