Chugging along w/ Christmas break in sight...

It's been a long week, and it's going to be another long week and a half-ish until I officially start my Christmas vacation.  Including weekends, I have about 13 days off, thanks to Christmas and New Years both falling on Tuesdays.  Thank the Lord.  I need the break.

Last year, I made the best chocolate chip cookie recipe ever to give to my students during the holiday; this year, I'd like to make a variety of cookies and/or baked goods to give away to students and also my fellow teachers.  So, I'm on the look out for easy, but yummy recipes and I hope to have a list and all my ingredients by the weekend, so I can get cracking on them before next week.

I also thought about doing holiday letters to send to everyone...but that hasn't happened yet.  Ryan kind of frowned upon that (probably b/c he thinks our lives are boring and not worth sharing with the world...hello! I have this blog, so too late for that!), but if I can muster up the will to do them this weekend, I'll still have time to send them out next week.

We are almost done with our Christmas shopping for friends and family.  But I still haven't found anything for Ryan.  I know what he wants/needs, but I have an incredibly difficult time making decisions on his behalf when it comes to male fashion.  I wish I could be the kind of wife that dresses her husband, but he is such a picky dude, I've never even attempted it.  The guy is critical of my OWN fashion decisions, so I don't get too excited when it's time to pick something out for him.  I'm going to have to get it done, though, in the next week.

And lastly, my big challenge for December is to clean at least one thing each day so that by the time the first day of vacation hits, I have nothing--absolutely nothing--to do except enjoy the time off, spend it with Ryan, and/or do things that are only productive and enjoyable for myself, like working out or making meals.  Even though it may seem like I avoid working out like the plague, and I'm not always the most consistent when it comes to cooking at home--I honestly enjoy both those things...just not when I'm busy with 20 other things on my list.

So each day I've attempted to do chores that I've put off.  The biggest one being:  the icky, mildewy, moldy shower.  It was absolutely disgusting.  And it took me close to 3 hours to get it to an acceptable state.  It's still not clean enough, in my opinion.  Other chores I avoid or ignore:  dusting bookshelves (as in, actually taking out books or dvds to dust completely, not just wiping the exposed part!); deep cleaning the refrigerator and freezer; scrubbing toilets.  These are all things I'd like out of the way before my week of bliss.  Seems like there is always something, though.  As soon as I finish one chore, another pops up.  When I'm doing any kind of housework or cooking, and then imagine having to lug around a baby on top of that, I'm convinced more than ever that being a stay at home mom and wife is, indeed, a full-time job. [A topic, perhaps, for another time!]

The plan for today:  Go to grocery store to get stuff for tonight's dinner (recipe from an old Food Network magazine for a pasta salad); get a few gift cards for Christmas presents; do some laundry; wrap gifts; meet a friend to go see the Bodies exhibit at COSI in Columbus, and then come home to enjoy dinner w/ Ryan.  Probably do more household chores.  It never ends.

How are you all preparing for your possible holiday breaks/vacations?  Going anywhere fun/doing anything exciting??!


Valerie said…
Hans and I are working all through Christmas, so we're trying to rest up before hand. Unfortunately, his parents are visiting right after Christmas, so we have to get cleaning done now too. Ugh! The work never ends! I definitely hear ya about the stay-at-home mom thing. I can't imagine how I'd do it if I had kids on top of everything.

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