Workout Day #1

My running buddy--whom I haven't run with in quite awhile--left a message last night asking if I wanted to go for a short run this morning.  I was all for it, but we both woke up to really yucky rain. She decided to go to her gym, and I decided to do a 5K on our rowing machine, which I haven't done in a very long time.  My runs have been sporadic and lately, I've been thinking of doing other things other than running.

I've talked about my husband completing the P90X program, and now I think it's time for me to try it (for real) as well.  So far into December it hasn't really been that cold, and it's really okay for running--but if it's anywhere below 65 degrees, I just want to stay indoors to get my sweat on.  Which is why rowing and listening to Tony Horton is what I'm considering for the winter months.

Something I wasn't expecting:  I lost 2-3 lbs. in the last month and a half, which is the period of time I've been working out the least.  However, I don't feel very strong, and I don't like the way I look when I don't work out, so at this point, I don't think getting on a scale means anything to me.  Especially considering I'm pretty much 5 feet tall and wear a size 0-2.

I'm not waiting until after the New Year to start my goals.  I started today and I'm glad I got it out of the way.  Plan on keeping it up every day, no matter what.  Haven't signed up for any races either, but that's okay.  I may consider doing the Flying Pig half again next May, but I don't know yet.  Depends on if I feel like it,  or if I'm caught up in something else around that time.

In the back of my mind, I'm also thinking ahead to our planned trip to Aspen again next summer (also going to be a bridesmaid for a friend's wedding in Boulder), and how I want to be in the best shape humanly possible to enjoy all the wonderful outdoor activities we did last time plus even more.  I remember Ryan and I started hiking up the Ute Trail up Aspen Mountain and I went in thinking it was going to be a piece of cake (because I'm a runner, dammit, not a walker--no Walking Dead pun intended), only to be huffing and puffing 10 steps into the trail because of how steep it was.  It was more like climbing, not hiking.  The icing on the cake was when a 40-something year old ran past us.  She just ran UP those switches while I was just trying to catch my breath.  I could see all the muscles in her toned back working...and I just felt like crap.  I told myself the next time I climb that mountain, I'm going to be more tone, and I WILL be faster.  Not sure if I really want to run that trail though.  I do want to live.  :P

Anyways, Sunday is winding down.  Going to the grocery to pick up a few things to make fish and chips for dinner, some more cleaning up and then sitting down with hubby to watch our favorite two shows season finale.  Sad.  But excited to get started on a brand new week.  Oh, and our Christmas shopping is coming along, too, so that makes me happy.


Valerie said…
You'll have to fill us all in on what you do for your workouts. I've heard a lot about P90X, but I'd love to get your take on it.
Good luck with the start of your new workout routine. I only got past the fitness test thing for P90X - it is hard, girl! I'm been waiting on getting a treadmill forever - I need to stop making excuses and just do it!

respect the shoes
Gaby said…
I haven't started it yet...just been filling in with small rowing workouts. I will probably start this Wednesday. I remember about 2-3 years ago, I attempted it and couldn't get past day 3. I could barely get up from my chair while teaching after that 3rd workout! I'd like to stick to it this time...even thought it will probably hurt like a b***h :(

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