Colorado Trip: Day 1 & 2, Boulder (No pics, sorry!)

I'm still in Colorado, but I thought I should try to write a recap of each day of our vacation while it's on my mind, so I don't forget any details (especially since the memory card on my camera was full and we could only get pictures of half the trip, unfortunately!).  If I can keep it up, I'll save each post for when I return and publish them one day at a time.  Since I've turned this blog private, the number of hits has gone down significantly, so I may be the only one reading (lol), but I still need this for my memory's sake.

Last Thursday was when we arrived in Denver, CO for my college friend and roomate's wedding.  She had two separate ceremonies--the first in a Catholic church, the second in an outdoor setting at a farm--spread out over two days.
Ryan and I both worked half days on Wednesday, the day before, because the only flight we could catch in time for the first ceremony Thursday afternoon was very early out of Indianapolis.  Fortunately, Ryan's dad lives and works in Indy, so we crashed at his place Wed. evening and woke up around 3:45am to catch our flight at 6:40am.
For the most part, the flight was pretty smooth and short, but I still hate flying!  Since we arrived fairly early, we had a chance to sight see Boulder a little; we walked up and down Pearl St. Mall and caught some brunch at Lucile's Restaurant which specializes in Creole fare.  I highly recommend it if anyone finds themselves in Boulder.  Ryan wanted to get their smoked trout, but they were all out, so he got salmon instead.  I ordered their blueberry cornmeal pancakes which were incredible.  It was stacked pretty high so I could only eat half of it, and still walked out of there feeling pretty full.
After walking around some more, we drove over to our B&B that we reserved for the two days spent in town and started getting ready for the ceremony.  Once we arrived (just a few minutes away from our room) I saw a few familiar faces from my conservatory days and met some new faces, as well.
Afterwards, we all met up at the World Famous Dark Horse Bar and Grill for the rehearsal dinner.  I may have had a little too much to drink, although I can honestly say I've never been drunk in my life.  I was just tipsy enough to agree to sing karaoke with the bride, where I otherwise would never have. :P
Next day was the outdoor farm wedding.  It was a pretty crazy day, and like all weddings, even though I was a bridesmaid and was near my friend nearly all day, I barely got to talk to her.  A little tough with seven bridesmaids!
It was a pretty ceremony and the weather cooperated for the first part; however, during the reception--which was at the same location, just a few yards away from the ceremony-- an amazingly long and violent hail storm hit us (a couple people got it on video and it's on my FB wall. Even if we're not Facebook "friends" I set it on 'public' so you can still view it).  I heard a couple locals say they had never seen a hail storm that huge.
After the storm subsided, the rest of the reception was held tightly in the small pavilion of the farm.  Ryan and I could only stay long enough to see the cake-cutting and then we headed out since we had to be up early to get to our first mountain hike of the trip--Mt. Snitkau.  More on that in the next post!


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